First Time Grower a couple of questions


New Member
So here is the deal, this is my very first grow ever,
I have 9 seeds that were givin to me from a friend, he says they are 'green crack'.
This will be an outdoor grow.

Anyways, i am on the 28th hour of germinating.
(i put them in a cup of water and let them sink to the bottom, and left them in a cupboard)
I plan on putting them in a paper towel at the 48 hour mark, and let them sit in there for at least a day, (depending on how long the taproot is).

So here is my one question lol.
After about 6 hours all of the seeds sunk.
Then i just checked them (28hour mark) and one of the seeds was floating lol, then it sunk by itself... what is going on here lol?
A few of the seeds have tap rooted btw.

Any tips to what i am doing are hugely appreciated!


id just put them in the paper towel now, if the taproots are out it will drown the seed and practically dissolve the root, good luck!!



Well-Known Member
Skip the paper towel and just throw them in dirt. No since in exposing your tap root and risking damage.


Active Member
agree with above. Soak 12-24 hours then plant straight in soil. Forget about this whole paper towel method. To me your just complicating the process. I have had seeds crack and sprout within a couple days with this method. Fast enough for me. Remember all seeds are different though. Careful on what you choose to read and follow there is a lot of good information on these thread but also a lot of miss informed information. Just dont treat the plant as something its not as you should do all right. Hope this helps Good Luck.
Just throw the ones with tap roots in now. No reason to let them get any longer in water or on a paper towel. They will do that in your soil!!:hump:


New Member
Thank you guys so much for all the info!! So helpful!

Anyways, i emptied the seeds out of the cup to find 1 had tap rooted about 2mm, 3 the shell had split, and the other 5 still looked intact (from what i could see)
So i decided to throw them in a moist paper towel for now.
I plan to check them tomorrow morning before work to maybe moisten the paper towel if needed.
Then when i finish work i will plant them in soil (depending on how they look)
Should i just plant the tap rooted seeds? or plant them all at the same time?

Thanks guys! :)


Active Member
Agreed with riknstein just plant it. Now. The paper towel will do more harm then good. There ready to go don't hold back with the paper towel. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure true "Green Crack" is clone only. That said, strains are for the most part a joke unless you are getting them from a reputable breeder. Even then you can see enough variance from seed to seed to make it not matter to much. More importantly, you want to know if it is a sativa or indica dominant, that will determine how long you should expect them to flower.


New Member
Im not a 100% sure if they are green crack, he said something to me a few days before he gave me the seeds about green crack and OG kush,
he has grown this strain before and has been successful with it. When i see him next i will clarify.


New Member
I decided to leave the seeds in the bag for now as most of the seeds havent tap rooted...
Im not liking this lol :/ . I think im just getting a little 2 anxious, it has only been about 54 hours. (Thoughts???????)
I didnt plant them in dirt yet because i dont have any potting soil (i do have some old stuff that was used for flowers lol).
When i plant the germ. seeds they will be going right outside. (It has been raining really hard the past couple of days and i know the rain would have murdered them lol, the weather is looking good for the upcoming week)
They will all be planted in individual foam cups, and eventually they will be transferred to the ground at a site.

I put the seeds on my satellite receiver to keep them warm, (they were just left in the drawer before)


dont worry i was crazy anxious when i started too, you just gotta be really really patient when growing weed, patience is truly a virtue in this hobby, cannabis is a tough plant but when its a seedling im afraid the heavy rain will harm it too much, i would just leave them inside for now, until weather starts getting better that is, good luck!



New Member
lol ya man, its crazy, even though its so early in the growing stages it has turned into a hobby,,,, checkin my seeds, browsing the forum etc LOL
And thanks man i will do ! :D


same here! :D no problem, im also having the same problem this year, too much rain in Maine this spring, hoping for a dry summer, if the seeds sprout you should start a grow journal, it keeps me busy while waiting for my plants to grow :p


Active Member
Just get those seeds in soil as soon as you can. And it's a great hobby just don't get caught up in the hype of it ( false information, snake oils , weed is god ) just grow it and it will be a great experience. And since your checking out the forums if you have not all ready. Spend some time and Check these threads out they are full of great information and I promise they will help you out.


New Member
Thnaks for the tip douja, i have been browsing the forum like crazy.

The seeds have been germinating for approx 74 hours.

Today i planted the seeds in soil in individual styrofoam cups.
Then i put them outside, where the shouldnt be seen :| , then watered them with a spray bottle.

The one seed i planted had split open a bit and looked like there was a tiny taproot coming out.
The others have stayed the same, i hope they sprout in the soil :confused:

I think the seeds are 'older' so they will most likely take longer.


Active Member
Did you have them in water for that long or paper towel? Or both? If you have the red plastic cups ( party cups ) those would work better. Just drill a couple 3/8's holes in the bottom for drainage. 4 works good. Once you plant give it some water just be careful how often you water it after this point. Once the seedling sprouts to dont water it to much. To much water at this point will stress it out and can cause death. Don't let the soil dry out either though. Curious why straight outside? Got any flouros you could use for the first couple weeks? Straight outside will work but just wondering. And yes some seeds will sprount in a couple days and some can take weeks. I recently had a batch about 5 years old so not to bad but were not stored well and had a bunch sprout 10-12 days after so don't give up on them. Hope it helps Good luck


New Member
Did you have them in water for that long or paper towel? Or both? If you have the red plastic cups ( party cups ) those would work better. Just drill a couple 3/8's holes in the bottom for drainage. 4 works good. Once you plant give it some water just be careful how often you water it after this point. Once the seedling sprouts to dont water it to much. To much water at this point will stress it out and can cause death. Don't let the soil dry out either though. Curious why straight outside? Got any flouros you could use for the first couple weeks? Straight outside will work but just wondering. And yes some seeds will sprount in a couple days and some can take weeks. I recently had a batch about 5 years old so not to bad but were not stored well and had a bunch sprout 10-12 days after so don't give up on them. Hope it helps Good luck
Thanks for the tips douja :D

I had them in water for 24 hours and paper towel for just under 48 hours.
And i will have to drill some more wholes then :p
And the reason for outside is i am 20 and still live with my mother, so trying to hide them in the early stages since they wont be planted on the property.
Alright man i wont give up on them :)
