first time grow


Active Member
this is my first time grow and would like some tips
im growing blueberry and am currently in the veg stage {5 weeks in under a 250w hps}
im looking to flower in 3-4 weeks time and would like to know if i can flower under a 400w hps
pics to follow


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400w HPS is an excellent choice in flowering. Plants prefer this light compared to others due to the color spectrum in which they run. A warmer light (HPS) is very much appreciated and will show in the flower weight and production time. Are you saying that you plan on harvesting in 3-4 weeks, or plan to start flowering cycle in 3-4 weeks?


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The 400W hps will help them to show flowering within the first 3 days, and start heavily budding within the first 2-3 weeks.

I am around 7 days into flowering in a tent with a 400WHPS (the last two under daylight due to an inspection of my smoke alarms) and I am quite please with how much a small footprint 400W HPS can produce. I will be post new pics on my journal soon if you ever want to check out another 400W HPS

Edit: Stay on top of nutrients, ph levels, pest control. Keep temperatures consistant, and you should be doing wonderfully.
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Lil Tyke

Active Member
heres my plant
any tips on how to make my plant more healthy will be most apreceated
Myself personally i would start to flower now depending on your height/space restrictions as it will probably double or treble in height during flower but thats entirely up to you happy growing its looking good.


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Your room size is perfect for letting them age up a bit. Take advantage of time if it is on your side, good things come to those who wait! Stunning plants, and thanks for the pictures- they help give good info!


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I would use CO2, and a few different things. I will post more later- laptop battery is dying. +REP though for you, because you're doing well!

-GT :)

Lil Tyke

Active Member
my grow room is about 4ft wide/2ft depth by about 7-8ft high is it worth me veging for another 5-7 weeks coz i think flowering now will be a bit premature
Given your space laffin keep vegging as i said previously just my personal choice. By the way you sure you are not in my grow room coz it looks awfully similar see pic lmao :lol:.



Active Member
i am using home made co2 which i think is makeing a big differance.
i am comparing it to another plant from the same mother and it is about half the size of mine in exactly the same time frame.
it must have something to do with it