First Time Grow


Well-Known Member
Switched lights to 12/12 and put in HPS bulb yesterday. Does MH run hotter then HPS? I'm getting like 6 degrees cooler with the HPS both are 1000W.
Its like 75F lights on and 68F lights off, compared with the MH i was getting around 81-82F lights on and 68F off. These things seem to be growing quicker everyday its like McDonalds i'm loving it.:eyesmoke: Also i'm pretty sure i know the answer to this one but here goes anyways. Is it okay to smoke cigs in the grow room?:blsmoke:flower_day2.jpgflowerday2.jpg

Sorry redlights


Well-Known Member
Also forgot to mention my reverse osmosis system went out for 2 days. I had to run shitty well water in my humidifier, it put a few water spots on some of the leaves. Should i try to "wash" them off or leave em be? I have verrrry hard water its horrible.


Active Member
I would just leave them alone. I know people use foliar sprays and what not, but I just try to keep it simple as possible. Water in the soil is always good, water on your plants can lead to other problems. The plants look really good, so it's up to you.:weed::weed::weed: