First time grow


Hi all,
have been using your website for a while now, trying to collect as much information as possible to make sure my first grow goes good. I thought I might share my progress so far and hopefully get some feedback... ;)

just some basic info:
X3 pp (power plant)
X1 600HPS
soil - Bio Bizz All-Mix Soil
supplements - only using Bio Bloom

plants are a bit behind in development (I think) because I had major heat problems in the first week (went up to 35C).... now temp is stable between 25C-27C.
Maybe its important to mention that the plants are not from seed but from clones (easy here in the Netherlands).

images are as followed:
0988 - Day 1 (received the girls)
1024 - Day 10
1032 - Day 15 (moved into 12/12)
1055 - Day 19
1060 - Day 20
1077 - day 24
003 & 005 - Current day - Day 30 (2 weeks into flowering)

Let me know what you thnk... :D



Can any one please indicate, what is the optimal temperature (min/max for night and day) during flowering? as stated above, I am in the beginning of the 3rd week of flowering.... Thanks


Well-Known Member
temps should be between 70-85. night temps can go down to the 60's remember tho, if it gets too cold you'll get purple buds


for now I have night between 18C-20C and during the day 24c-26c.... so I guess its fine... thanks.
btw, haven't seen a lot of post online concerning power plant... is there a reason for it? as far as I know it is very populat here in the Netherlands


Small Update:

Day 38/ 23rd day of flowering

AS I said, the girls are a bit small (tallest one is 35cm atm...), but looks OK so far.
since this is my first grow, any comments will be appreciated :D

just some more info, I am watering them still 333ml per plant (using a 1L bottle with 2ml of bio-bloom - next week I increase to 3ml per 1L)



Day 39/25th day of flowering

started to see a lot of yellowing of the leaves, starts at the edges and progresses through the whole leaf.. any Idea what it can be? or is it just a natural process of the plant during flowering?



AS far as I calculated, I have 4 weeks to go, so I was afraid that the yellowing was too early...
I hope that the girls will keep growing and that the bud sites will be a bit more thick....

I was also thinking that there might be too much light and that the plants fan leaves started to become yellow since the plant doesn't fully utilizes them (600HPS in a small triangle shaped room -approx 1mX1mX1.5m).
all I can do now is wait and see....


Small update,

Day 46/32 of flowering (12/12)

Yellowing continues, but with 3.5 weeks to go, i guess there is not much I can do, so hoping for the best
btw, all the girls are between 33-36cm in a 22 x 22 x 26 cm, 11 liter pot.

any1 care to guess how many grams will I get from that?


Hey all, I'm on my first grow and have it setup in a 4x2 closet. I have black plastic hung in front of it to block light during the dark hours, however I do not have it sealed completely and have a small fan running inside to help keep air circulating. My Computer an TV are usually on in this room and some of the light leaks into the closet during dark hours, is some light ok or does it have to be completely dark. If so, should I turn the fan off during dark hours? Also, is one (6 inch) fan inside of closet enough for air flow, or do I need intake and exhaust? Any help would be greatly appreciated! BTW, I'm using a Blackstar 180w 6 band 2011 led for lighting.


As the discussion title shows, this is my first grow, and therefore I am no expert, however, I can share what I have read and learned so far... :)

any light during the sleeping time of the plants is bad.... the darker the better!, try to find a way to completely seal the closet since you don't want to stress your plants. I remember reading once the following answer somewhere (funny enough it made it clear for me)- if you are a sleep and some1 turns the light in your face in the middle of the night and wakes you up, does it bother you? yes! plants are the same in that way, they need the dark time to perform some plant activities, try to avoid any stress to the plants.

leave the fan in the closet also on during the night circulation is really really important whether it is for fresh air or to avoid mold.
you will also need an intake and exhaust (maybe an exhaust and a passive intake but that you will have to check by yourself), new fresh air is important to the plants... would you be able to live without fresh air?

while I am also a n00b, I hope this helped a bit


Small Update:

Day 63/49 of flowering (12/12)

Just flushed the plants today, and indeed a little bit of brown/yellow water came from below...
I am planning to cut them down 1 week and 2 days from today, thus on April the 8th (7 days) I close the lights and after 48 hours of darkness I will cut them for drying.

