First Time Grow


Active Member
Ill subscribe..looking good.if you leave,just make sure you got timmers for whatever lights you have.ull be fine.
hope all is well.
Ill be watchin.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeahh a fews days shouldnt harm them mate at this stage, just make sure they have a good drink b4 u go away and ull be reet lol. Few more on board now mate too, cant be bad.


Well-Known Member
Ive been doing some reading on a few different forums and some people are saying that 24-28 hours induces flowering so Im going to try that.

It seems like it would stress them more to change the lighting back to veg so hopefully i will come back and be able to sex my plants. Just hope i dont end up with a bunch of herms. :(


Well-Known Member
why cant u keep them on 12/12 cuz ur timers shot?
The company that sent me the ballast didnt connect a plug or socket with my 12/12 ballast. I finally found a shop that that carried plugs and sockets and they wired it for me. They told me that it didnt need to be grounded and i tried to tell them it did but the shop keeper insisted on him being right. The ballast shuts off by itself but doesnt turn on i think due to not being grounded. I would wire it myself but im afraid that I would mess it up and cause a fire. Anyways, its way more complicated than it needed to be but it is more of a language barrier than anything and its been frustrating as hell.


Active Member
When using a fan make sure the air flow is not creating a vacuum or whirlwind spot that seems to suck the hot air from above it. Swirling the hot air. You might be blowing the ballast heat from the lights also. Try to keep the fan slightly at an angle this might help. I am not that experienced with this as I am only on my 3rd grow. I have a young sprout of RED WRECK. Its some hybrid mix of strawberry cough and TRaIn WRecK. The other other ones are Blueberry + Hawaain SKunk #1. and a mystery bag seed. I have 2 Indica plants also. 1 is the mother which I have a clone from. The Mother is in 3rd ReVegging and the clone is 2nd Veg too. Doing so so so far. Good luck with your grow. I will try and post a 3rd grow journal but with my limited time online It is Difficult.
P.S. Nice avatar!


Well-Known Member
Got back home today and the light was actually working. So the lights were on 12/12 over the weekend. Plant #4 is a male. I wish I had a better way to take pics than just my phone but I dont have a camera. I took plant 4 out of the grow room and he is next to a window so i can collect pollen from him. Asobi and Seksu are both looking like females. I will need a bit more time to confirm for sure though. Plant three is still not showing sex.


Well-Known Member
Days at 12/12: 12
Number of plants:8
2x400w HPS
Humidity :50%
Nutes : nutes on hold

So I got my other 400w hps in the mail today. The other one is still working so I figured what the hell why not use both! I rearranged some stuff around and brought in some chairs so the plants could be close enough to the lights. (Im leaving this weekend so I am calculating growth while im gone so they dont get too close. I am going to start Flowering nutes on Friday at 1/2 strength because it looks like ive got a bit of potassium deficiency(the plant leaves are curling down). Besides that everything is going great.

The lights are closer than they look. They look like they are pretty far away in the pics but the one with the reflector gets pretty hot about 18 inches away.

I wish I had an actual camera instead of just a cell phone. But cant afford to buy one so the cell phone will have to do.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the leaves curling down is a bit of heat stress man, 400 w is plenty for a couple of plants man id think about going back to one to reduce the heat or otherwise step up the ventilation if you can??

looks like some nice sativa babies there china!


Active Member
ya id def raise those up a bit or take them off the need in burning your ladies while your gone..
thats kinda funny you can afford to buy a new 400 hps but you cant afford a trade ya a camara for a light.hehe just kiddin..lookin good love it long time.hehhe


Well-Known Member
ya id def raise those up a bit or take them off the need in burning your ladies while your gone..
thats kinda funny you can afford to buy a new 400 hps but you cant afford a trade ya a camara for a light.hehe just kiddin..lookin good love it long time.hehhe
Yeah, maybe I will just use one light for now. Well, i can get the hps with a bulb and reflector here for $50 but the camera I want is a digital SLR which is about $500 for the model I want. Still saving up for it but ive got to pay for my next semester of school first. Thanks for the reply guys!


Well-Known Member
Days at 12/12: 18
Number of plants:7
1x400w HPS
Humidity :40%
Nutes : 1/4 strength 10-30-20So I came home on Monday to a bit of a light leak due to some cloth I had covering my intake fans fell off. I dont know how much it will affect my plants but havent seen any signs of it hurting them yet.

So far I have had 2 males and 3 females. The smaller plants still havent shown sex and they are pretty small so im not too worried.

One of my plants grew about 6 inches in 3 days so I was trying to tie her down and snapped the stem so i have supported her with some string and taped the snap. I hope she makes it through.

Adding the flower nutes is seeming to help a lot. The plants are looking a lot better. So I will continue on 1/4 strenght nutes for a few weeks and then possible move up to 1/2 strenght but 10-30-20 seems like a lot so I might keep it at 1/4 strength. Here are some pics. The buds are starting to show which im really excited about. You cant really tell in the pics though. Stupid camera phone!



Plant #3 ( poor thing) I hope she makes it. :(

Let me know what you guys think!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey dude hows our man in china ?

man the first pic those leaves are huge! i wouldnt worry too much about upping your nutes they should be fine to step up to half strength no worries, the leaves look plenty healthy, if they start to get a bit burnt back off on the nutes. lookin good tho man!!

what are you planning on doing with the males?


Well-Known Member
hey dude hows our man in china ?

man the first pic those leaves are huge! i wouldnt worry too much about upping your nutes they should be fine to step up to half strength no worries, the leaves look plenty healthy, if they start to get a bit burnt back off on the nutes. lookin good tho man!!

what are you planning on doing with the males?
Hey Don,

Ive got the males sitting in my kitchen soaking up some sun. They showed really good vigor and all around healthy looking plants so im waiting to catch some pollen from them. The pollen sacs are getting bigger every day. After I collect some pollen to impregnate a few buds on one of my females im going to attempt to make me some type of hash if im able to find the right equipment to do it with.


Well-Known Member
awesome go for it dude! get on the breeding trail! with the hash tho you wont get much out of the males man.
Haha, I was just reading a post about hash that was saying that using males for hash isnt that great.

I really want to order some seeds online but im scared that the if customs found them here they would trace them back to me and then I would have to say good bye china. Im going to order a few cheap seeds and see how that goes when this grow is finished but for now ill be happy with creating my own.