First Time Grow

Gidday guys, first time indoor organic set up to obtain medical feco growing mixed RQS genetics in 7 gallon smart pots under a spiderfarmer sf5000. Please throw you opinions, observations tips, criticisms, insults & suggestions my way, all are most welcomed! I just flipped these over to flower 2 weeks ago, made practically every mistake going from lighting to RH temp & over nuking these poor girls with biobizz nutes. This is waay different from gorilla growing in oz and in europe that's for sure. As a medically prescribed 'patient' I'm hoping to obtain superior quality meds compared to the crappy gov schwag you get in the UK :leaf::cool::leaf:


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They look good. Maybe a little N tox front and center but you recovered nicely from whatever mistakes you made early on. Keep on.
Looks good, great job! A bit overwatering with the leaf tips pulling downward and maybe needs some cal mag too. Dont forget, week 5 switch from cal mag to a mag sulfur product for finishing. Cheers!
most important is ph of medium so everything else can work correct. If something up in rootzone , first thing to do is make sure ph is good

I use only organic alfalfa pellets for feeding soil. Soon just harvested plants
You mean you just use alfalfa as your only fertilizer?
If so, do you simply work it into the soil or make a tea?
i was told I could do this with dandelions but haven't tried.
You mean you just use alfalfa as your only fertilizer?
If so, do you simply work it into the soil or make a tea?
i was told I could do this with dandelions but haven't tried.

Alfalfa pellets in case I didn’t say before

I mixed some into my soil before planting plants, some wetted and broken down some full size. haven’t needed to add more during the grow. Maybe ~10% ratio of soil. I also add a small handful when starting a new plant now in a gallon pot to replace whatever may be gone. Pretty much just guess work for me. If looking for more technical, I couldn’t find it but it’s probably somewhere.
how to approach using epsom salts with an organic grow?
Actually i just read the label on my Monterey Epsom salts and it is omri registered. To use epsom salt, in organic is to dissolve 5ml(tsp), check ppms of gallon of water with the 5ml of epsom salt. If you need more ppms, add more right? And then water it in? Am i missing something?