First time grow. WITH PICTURES

Hey guys, couldn't sleep and was reading some posts. Thought I'd make one of my own to show you how my little nursery is going...

Today is day 30 after receiving clones. Attached are pictures from the clones in plastic solo cups to their first transplantation to 3 gallon buckets to leaves looking happier to some growth to yesterday (time lapsed over the past month).

I'm growing indoors (30 days) under 8 fluorescent lights, watering about every two days, raising the light as growth occurs, no nutrients yet (I'm still deciding if I should/need nutes), in root organics soil.

Any comments welcome!!

Happy growing


Thanks and I don't really know yet. I wanted them bushy but they're about filling up my veg room. Was thinking about 3 to 3.5 feet tall