first time grow white widow,himalayan gold,an three {no idea}

would love any comments good or bad,,thanks


if i numberd them 1 to 19 ,,,11 12 13 are ww sorry bout pics,,god knows wat happend to my jus shot up not much flowering jus growing mus be nearly 7ft,wish i started bending her earlyer,,surpose this how you learn,


Well-Known Member
im growing a himalayan gold to, i veged for just 2 weeks, its in a 5 gal pot,
and its over 6'5" at 7 weeks flowering, im doing LST on it, and it been toped but it keeps geting taller!! i will get sum pic's up soon, good luck.
yeah tell me about himalayan gold got mind of its own,,jus keeps growing an growing mine over 7ft,,driving me crazy,,everyday having to start L.s.t,im in day 41flower vegged for 3week,,defo not long enough will veg 6week next time,got some massive branches stretching from one side to other,now all them big arse branches are developing gorgeous flowers all way down each branch,send use pm when u get some pics up,,will be great to see someone else's hard work..


Active Member
yeah tell me about himalayan gold got mind of its own,,jus keeps growing an growing mine over 7ft,,driving me crazy,,everyday having to start L.s.t,im in day 41flower vegged for 3week,,defo not long enough will veg 6week next time,got some massive branches stretching from one side to other,now all them big arse branches are developing gorgeous flowers all way down each branch,send use pm when u get some pics up,,will be great to see someone else's hard work..
I grew a couple H. Gold from seeds - well at least I started to. Both turned out to be male - but WOW, does it ever get the gold star for most vertical growth from just about any strain I have worked with. At that size, and you are just now going to flower? Man that is going to be tough - wishing you the best of luck!


Well-Known Member
I had the same problum from 10 fem seed's i had 9 male's an 1 girl, this girl is geting masive its nerly 4 feet wide and 6,6" tall with so meny bud sites and 4 main colers,
a mate of mine choped 2 down sum time ago and got 460 grams dry from them, under a 1000w hps, so im hoping to get hafe that under a 600w hps?
sorry im baked lol.


haha aren't we all! I have 2 WW's and 1 HG. Its my first time in an aeroponics system and OMG!! My grow room can't handle their height and as a result my yield is going to take a hit (b/c their now right under the 400 watt hps). I vegged for 3-4 weeks and it was wayyyyy to long. I don't have any main kolas per-say, just lots and lots of popcorn nugs everywhere!

Live and learn. I know exactly what I did wrong this go around (and still have a few weeks left in this round)


im growing a himalayan gold to, i veged for just 2 weeks, its in a 5 gal pot,
and its over 6'5" at 7 weeks flowering, im doing LST on it, and it been toped but it keeps geting taller!! i will get sum pic's up soon, good luck.
hey dog was wondering how those HG finished and how long did it take to finish, have 4 on go and all 7ft + covered in bud, i mean covered. im at day 54 since first signs of flower at 12/12, the buds seem verey fluffy, did you have a burst of them filling out at any stage? any info you can give me big tks, cause cant wait to chop them and get next lot in, seems as if a day is a week and have some nice new seeds i want to start. goodluck!


Well-Known Member
i was ripped off, as they turned out not to be HG, but a friend grow 2 plants under a 1000watt hps, and got 16oc, it is a very buzy high smoke, they were ready at week 9, good luck...


i was ripped off, as they turned out not to be HG, but a friend grow 2 plants under a 1000watt hps, and got 16oc, it is a very buzy high smoke, they were ready at week 9, good luck...
ok thanks dog might be ok yet....cant wait to finish the fuckers, that big gonna have to take them to saw mill to trim lol, have selected next ones a bit better. thanks and goodluck!