First time grow... what is this?


New Member
Hello guys im new to this grow thing and this is my first plant. I only started one since i wanted to do trial and error. Im currently grow an Auto Skunk Mass and im 2 1/2 weeks into veg. Right now im a lil worried since im finding small yellow/brown spot on the lower leafs and i can seem to decide what it could be since most of the deficiencies look alike >.<. I really need help hear since i want this to go well so i can do the other seeds.

Hydroponic system> it has a bubble system and a drip system.

Lamp: HTG Supply 2 Foot 2 Lamp PL-55 Tek Lamp
lamp is currently running 18/6. Its about 2 feet away more or less.

PH: 5.7-5.8

PPM: Currently 1185ppm

Nutes: General Hydroponics Flora series.
Micro / Grow / Bloom
week 1 - 2.5ml 2.5ml 2.5ml
week 2 - 7.5ml 10ml 2.5ml
week 3 - 12.0ml 10ml 5ml

This is all ml/g and im using 2 gallons of water.

Temp is always around 70-75F

I do have neem oil which im thinking of spraying it with soon just to rule out spider mites. Im open to any suggestions but im really lost here.

Another think is that i dont know if it stopped growing or not.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.



Active Member
seems like alot of PPM's to me. I start at 200 PPms and by week 4 I'm at 700 PPM's or so and about 900PPM's at conversion to flower time and about 1200 max at flower (all approximates). All plants are different and I usually go lighter than heavier on the Nutes. I start at about 1/8'th strength of what the bottles say and progress upward from there if they can take it. Some take heavier feedings than others. Have clones about 9" high right now and they are only getting 400-500PPM's and loving it. Maybe too much Nutes. how does the new growth look?


Active Member
Ya I would say waaaay to high on the ppm. Those plants should get around 200-300ppm like BudsBunny said. 1200 is a good flowering ppm, but is waaay to much for plants that dont have their 3 nodes yet. Cheers


New Member
Well the new grow is going kinda slow. Ill go ahead and change the res. water and cut the nutes to half. Would that help?


New Member
So the water temp is at 73.4 f. Also, i diluted the water and nutes so now its running at 853 ppm and 5.8ph i really hope she can come back and get better.


New Member
So the ph is increasing and i just noticed cause when i went to bed last night i left it at 5.8 and when i check in the morning it was at 6.4.
If i should be spraying it, what do i spray to it?

She has not shown any new groth its like she stopped. She has been the same size since monday.

Ill post more pics when i get home tonight.