First time grow, What do you think?


Active Member
Hey guys,

This is my first grow, This started with me smoking one day, and putting 3 seeds in one cup, and somehow got to this stage.

I'm not exactly sure as to how old my plants are. I think I started them sometime in july? They are inside, and other then water them in the morning, I don't do anything else to them.

They all 3 have the white little hairs coming out, sorry for the shitty pics, I'll have to get better ones later.

So what do you think?

The three babes




Shitty up close shots.




Thanks for any input!


Well-Known Member
what lights are you using and started those back in july? damn dude they should be bigger then that what soil did you use? are you using nutes? or ferts? do you have a water drainage on the buckets?

but other then that looking good check out my journal and how much they've grown within the past week it's inzane but best of luck to you my fellow grower


Well-Known Member
They look nice and green, but I think you definitely need to hit them with more light. By the looks of them I would say they had been growing in a window?


Active Member
looks like it needs more light the leaves are kinda just hanging there. other than that they look pretty healthy and green even though you don't feed them, guess its OK for a first grow.
Just another thing if you planted them back in July, then why are they looking so small, especially the first one, anyways good luck.


Active Member
Yeah they are in an open room, which does get a good bit of sunlight.

They get water in the morning, and that's it. I never really intended for them to even make it a month, hah

I figure I'll just let them keep going and see what happens, they are only midi seeds anyway so I figure if I get something of them its better then nothing.


Well-Known Member
looks ok ....I'd put a y in an old clamp light and put 2 42-watt CFL's on there min and you might just pull a couple of bud worth smokin off her...:)


Well-Known Member
Not bad for a suck-n-see. As others have stated you need more direct light on those guys. More light = more energy = more growth.


Well-Known Member
Well the simple answer is to move them closer to the window but you could have figured that out for yourself. ;)

If you have to leave them where they are you could try to put some reflective material around them with the open end facing the light source, like a half circle. I'm not sure how much that will actually help though; I've read you can recover 10% of lost light by making sure your surrounding surfaces are highly reflective.


Active Member
they look a little stretched...def get some more light on them...get a fan blowing on them as well to strengthen the stems bro


Active Member
I have a fan that is on them at all times, I'm working on the lighting issue. Does anyone have a certain bulb that is enough for one plant? I was gonna try one light on each and the tinfoil behind to add more light during the day.


Active Member
in foil? are you a fucking retard? no get some mylar its not that expensive....sorry im really high and annoyed right now...but yea you will definitly need more than one bulb a piece if your going with cfls....hps different i can t believe im tyhping


Well-Known Member
just get a some CFL´s you should see a huge difference after that, and they dont cost allot either mate ;)

Good luck with the grow :clap: