First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

Old Man of the Sea

Active Member
Hey Bud, plants look nice but you will need more filling in on the buds. There are some good posts if you search using harvest, cure ,timing and search the newbie central threads. I had the same questions and the info I found was real helpful


Well-Known Member
Lookin great mate but def give it some more time. I don't think you've hit the last 2 week swell yet. My buds almost doubled in size over like a 4 day period and thank my lucky stars I didn't try and cut b4 then.


Well-Known Member
true. thx guys for the advice, ill definitely look up for harvesting and curing and wait a few more weeks to chop. ITS SO TEMPTING THOUGH!!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys, got more pics. its been a while (about a week) and they have really grown!!! take a look and let me know what you think.

I finally got around to adding two more 23W clfs so hopefully that will help them out a bit.
also, just thinking ahead for harvesting, what do you guys think about selective harvesting? or should i just wait till the middle buds are good so that the cola will be just a tad past ripe and the bottom ones just a little before ripe?

~thx for the imput



Well-Known Member
hey, so i tried my best and got some pictures with my camera through the microscope of the trichomes of the plant which is further along in development. take a look!

also, i was just wondering if anyone has tried the 48hours of darkness before harvest thing?
i know its a simple technique but if i put both plants into 48 hours darkness, only harvested one, and then put the other plant back into flower untill its ready, would that have any effect on the flowering cycle of the plant?

comments greatly appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
hey, so i tried my best and got some pictures with my camera through the microscope of the trichomes of the plant which is further along in development. take a look!

also, i was just wondering if anyone has tried the 48hours of darkness before harvest thing?
i know its a simple technique but if i put both plants into 48 hours darkness, only harvested one, and then put the other plant back into flower untill its ready, would that have any effect on the flowering cycle of the plant?

comments greatly appreciated!!!
May i many megapixels is ur camera, and how many magnification is ur microscope


Well-Known Member
got another picture update. finally got out and picked up some bloom nuts, hopefully that will stop some of the fan leaves from dieing on one of my plants.....
so my estimated time of harvest seems to be very accurate (may 1st) for one of the plants, but it seems that the other is lagging (but has a shitload more trichs) and will need to be harvested at a later date.

so take a look and enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Good deal man. Ive been subscribed to this thread for a minute, and been watching it from behind the scenes. Nice Grow, bud looks amazing...
I wish i could sample


Well-Known Member
thx bro. im wishin i could sample too but im not smoking till mid may. doctors orders :( but by that time this should be harvested so itll all be good.

and btw, happy 420!!!


Well-Known Member
yea i aint smoking til June....I jus set my plants to 12/12 last week after about 35-40 days of vegging. Wish I had a time machine, this is my first indoor grow so idk wha my yeild is gonna bring me...i dont even know how many females i have out of the bunch cuz they didsnt show sex yet....

Have a good "Green Holiday"...
and I ain't talkin 'bout St. Partricks Day or Earth Day...
:leaf:Happy 4:20:leaf:


Well-Known Member
kk so ive run into a problem. IVE RUN OUT OF GROW SPACE!!!! idk what to do, if i should try and take the lights off the hooks and raise it another inch of 2 as a temp fix or start LSTing the plants or what....if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

here are images of the plant which is growing into the lights.....

