First Time Grow - Unknown Strain


Active Member
I have two plants that i planted Jul 29th so as i am typing this they are 3 weeks 2 days old. I have them under two 42 W CFLs. Lighting is standard 18/6. I have the lights alil high becuz i was told that would promote upward growth. I overwatered alil before but from now on i am going to water them every 4+ days.

Any advice would be great and if any1 culs tell me when they look like they shuld be transplanted that would be great.

I'll keep the pics comin' as my babies develop.

Plant 1

Plant 2



Active Member
it could b because the lights should be over the plants and at least 3"-4" from the top of the plants. or it could b a nutrient problem


Active Member
blue (more commonly known as "cool white" fluorescents are better for sprouting and vegging, but red ("warm white") are better for budding. As for transplanting, i think they are good as long as there are nutes in the soil or you are adding them. organics usually need a larger space. once they are about twice that big i would transplant them.
sorry i can't help more


Active Member
For sure. I just got the two 20 W Flourescents on 'em for now to see how it goes. I think i am going to transplant them when i get $ next wednesday. It looks like the two bottom leaves on each plant are gunna die from that overwatering but for the most part they look good. I'll post pics in a min...


Well-Known Member
unknown strain defietly indica dominanti useflourecentsnd you have to kee the lights 2'' to 4'' overtop of them or the'll stretch use cool white or if you can find the plant&aquarium bulbs and you should either mylar or paint your room white mylar has atndencie to get mold behind it


Active Member
i dont think they need to be transplanted just yet they seem to b in a good size pot for there size as of now. do they seem to be doin any better now??


Active Member
i mean they look good & the leaves are developing well but there still pretty small.
i think nutes wuld help but i dont wanna add any till i transplant


Active Member
I'm transplanting tomorrow & starting nutes
could anyone tell me how much water to put into a gallon container & how often so i dont have to experiment with it?
also if any1 uses/has used Fox Farm Grow how much should i mix in?