First time grow, time for flowering, need opinions please!!!


Plants just begining to flower and I'm just looking for some feedback on how I'm doing. ATM having lighting issues and am wondering, what is the lowest wattage/lumens we can use to sustain plants during this phase. Have T5 4-tube 216 watt lighting. Thanks for all input.




Well-Known Member
i've used watts/sqft as my guide (lumens are to hard on my brain) for HID lights 50/sqft, florescent 75/sqft so you should be OK keep the lights as close as you can to the plants as possible if some are shorter than others put some old books or whatever under the pots/bags to boost their height so that they're all the same.


Active Member
Nice girl ya got there. How old is she?.... Did you start from seed? Love that your using the bags... How big is your space? Give us a little more meat to chew on :)


Active Member
I wouldn't go with less light than the 4-tubes you currently have, otherwise your flowering time might increase dramatically. Other than that your plant looks nice and healthy. As for the question about lowest wattage to sustain, I would say don't go under 300watt (and that would only be advisable if you have NO other option). As a rule, the more light the better. Always remember that the sun produces 384.6 yottawatts of light per second, that is roughly the equivalent of 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; 100watt light bulbs.


She's about 5 weeks old started as a clone (cut on 10/22) and I love the bags, (and am curious is there anything I need to do specifically to them like bleaching or something to re-use?) we have a 2'x4'x72" grow tent with 4 plants started from clones. The one pic'd is the NL (my fav), we also have HawgsBreath, Trainwreck and a CreamSoda. Thanks for the input and the positive feeeback makes my heart soar.... something the rest of me plans on doing upon harvest... suite