First time grow, setting up small time apartment microgrow. Tips, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Ay ya-mans. If you get yo shorty on board, you came to the right place.... nahm sayin...rrr... sayin... we'll help you out ya mans.


Well-Known Member
Its definitely doable if you're smart about it... a microgrow is even more doable if a young dumb undergrad could pull off a couple of 1000W HID 4x4x7 tent grows in a small apartment... with 2 roomates and people coming and going...

1. Keep it in your room and keep your door locked
2. Dont tell anyone
3. If you have roommates... make sure you can trust them and emphasize how important is that they dont tell anyone. bribe em with some bud.
4. Run the lights at night when its less likely you will have people and maintenance over

Look into building a Stealth cabinet or even better yet a taxicab so you can easily move it if you need
Go LED less problems with heat and no ducting needed (this can also be DIY and in my personal opinion you'd probably be way better of putting in some time stalking the LED section and building your own with some small CoBs)
Invest in a quality carbon filter or you can easily make your own thats just as good
If you can, then duct out a window... you should still have a carbon filter tho...
If youre going soil... dont be obvious carrying a bag of soil and fertilizer up to your pad...
When you harvest do it with your fan on...and get some blackout plastic trashbags.. dont throw it away in your complex...
If you wanna go hydro only do it if you can your tap water... or if you can filter it.... carrying 10 gallons of water up couple flights of stairs is a bitch.. and raises questions..
Camouflage your setup... puts dirty clothes over it... put it behind a tapestry... put 'used' condoms over it
I'd say forget girlfriends but thats just me... poon was easy to come by... at least in college. Do it at their place.. or on the couch... or borrow your roomates bed...if you can make it stealthy enough so that your girlfriend doesnt notice then all the better..
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