First time grow Seeking some answers.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, So im growing 2 plants and this is my first grow so far everything is going really great. Im about 1.5 weeks in and my plants look awesome and health. But now im getting ready to really start introducing nutes but idk what to use. I have done so much reading and research but its very hard to find specifics for soil growing. Most feedback and nutes are or seem to be more geared towards growing hydro. So im growing in soil and i need some help. any soil growers out there have any advise? i did notice fox farm had the same 3 main nutes for soil use.

fox farm grow big works great for me. havent used the ff bloom fert. i just use ff grow big for my mothers in soil. my veg/flower is hydro


Well-Known Member
I grow autos because they are very stealthy and have a quick turnaround. Like I said earlier a qp if not upwards of 6 oz depending on plant phenotype in 70ish days. The flowering period is shorter so less smell. As for potency there are some really good auto strains that are comparable to most (not all for sure but most) photoperiods. They stay small so I can grow them in my spare bedroom closet using leds with much stealth and never have to buy pot. That is the long and short of it for me. My friends get some free nuggets and I get over a g per day with having four plants which is all I can grow as a misdemeanor where I live.

As for the lighting that can be debated ad nauseam but I found led to work better for me given my situation. If anyone hasn't played around with a full 3w chipset model from a reputable company I'd suggest giving them a whirl. They've come a long way since the bs 90w and below ufo/panels that now haunt the ebay mj lighting section.


Well-Known Member
I grow autos because they are very stealthy and have a quick turnaround. Like I said earlier a qp if not upwards of 6 oz depending on plant phenotype in 70ish days. The flowering period is shorter so less smell. As for potency there are some really good auto strains that are comparable to most (not all for sure but most) photoperiods. They stay small so I can grow them in my spare bedroom closet using leds with much stealth and never have to buy pot. That is the long and short of it for me. My friends get some free nuggets and I get over a g per day with having four plants which is all I can grow as a misdemeanor where I live.

As for the lighting that can be debated ad nauseam but I found led to work better for me given my situation. If anyone hasn't played around with a full 3w chipset model from a reputable company I'd suggest giving them a whirl. They've come a long way since the bs 90w and below ufo/panels that now haunt the ebay mj lighting section.
Some growers use the 3w to add extra UV to their grows so they got a purpose but still no debating Plasma is definatly gona be the future sooner or later whereas HpS is the current standard.

This is where LeDs lie, short grows, they are the most commercially viable way to grow lettuces at the moment although very few do, they have their uses for sure but penetration is always the number one issue, either grow very short or use a single point light source with high wattage to gain the required penetration. Even my 250watt enviros suck for penetration.

Verticle grows with HpS and no reflector seem to yeild the max per wattage of any lights that i know. Peace


Well-Known Member
not disagreeing with you man. For autos that never get more than two feet tall the 3w diodes to a fantastic job of penetrating and the leds I'm using to employ both UV and IR diodes (14 band models). On a healthly mature auto I can still stick my hand under the base of the plant and see different shades of spectrum reflecting back and forth. The 90 degree viewing lenses do a great job of spreading the light to ensure good angles of penetration. I don't know (or really care) if they'll ever be a big time commercially viable option but for a home hobby grower (me) that doesn't want to bother with heat removal ducting, bulb replacement over the next three years, and hiding that strange HPS glow that is difficult to mask, well you get the idea I made my points in the posts above.

I wouldn't write them off as bull for the long haul though. Consider the strides made in the last three years alone. I tried, and was terribly pissed with some less than reputable leds I got off ebay bout three years ago. They didn't hold a candle to my HPS set up. I'm glad I revisited the technology. The evolution has been impressive.

dp sux

New Member
not disagreeing with you man. For autos that never get more than two feet tall the 3w diodes to a fantastic job of penetrating and the leds I'm using to employ both UV and IR diodes (14 band models). On a healthly mature auto I can still stick my hand under the base of the plant and see different shades of spectrum reflecting back and forth. The 90 degree viewing lenses do a great job of spreading the light to ensure good angles of penetration. I don't know (or really care) if they'll ever be a big time commercially viable option but for a home hobby grower (me) that doesn't want to bother with heat removal ducting, bulb replacement over the next three years, and hiding that strange HPS glow that is difficult to mask, well you get the idea I made my points in the posts above.

I wouldn't write them off as bull for the long haul though. Consider the strides made in the last three years alone. I tried, and was terribly pissed with some less than reputable leds I got off ebay bout three years ago. They didn't hold a candle to my HPS set up. I'm glad I revisited the technology. The evolution has been impressive.
I can tell you love a good debate or you would have just moved on already..
I just looked at your set up(Do you have any air exchange) I didnt see it (I didnt even notice fans on the plants) YOU NEED PROPPER AIR EXCHANGE..
For plants to grow propperly(how would you like breathing in a plastic bag?? (thats how they feel rite now) If you insist on inproper air exchange you must incorperate alot of co2 into your grow.........DUDE just not having mylar on walls is costing you yield. It looks like your cutting corners a little much on your grow show(just tryin to show the light) Come into the light my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Supernatural Brand makes a line of nutes for soil. Its Gro Terra and Bloom Terra. Its a one part. Super easy to use. 1 tsp per 4L or gallon. Its really pH stable, so you never really need to adjust your pH unless your waters really fucked up. I've been using them for years, and its just too easy.

here's a link to where you can buy it, and more info on it.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you love a good debate or you would have just moved on already..
I just looked at your set up(Do you have any air exchange) I didnt see it (I didnt even notice fans on the plants) YOU NEED PROPPER AIR EXCHANGE..
For plants to grow propperly(how would you like breathing in a plastic bag?? (thats how they feel rite now) If you insist on inproper air exchange you must incorperate alot of co2 into your grow.........DUDE just not having mylar on walls is costing you yield. It looks like your cutting corners a little much on your grow show(just tryin to show the light) Come into the light my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The walls are painted white which reflects ok I guess. I do have mylar at a friends house waiting for me to pick up - just been lazy with work, life ect. I keep a box fan on mid speed circulating the air on both sides of the closet. Keeps the room very well ventilated. In the summer, spring, and fall I leave a window open now that I don't have the creepy HID glow flowing out of the room. Yeah debates!

dp sux

New Member
dude just shut that door you have seperatin the two rooms run duct work to window(dont have to actualy blow out window) put charc filter blowing through near window then on botom of wall that seperates the 2. put painted black elbo so no light leaks. then put door on veg area and cut whole in bottom of that door to passivley pull in through both rooms. if you use like 500 cfm fan on can filter it will work like charm.( and you will see more robust plants from the major exchange
of air replacing depleated co2 levels, It would take 2 hrs and cost like $350 for everything.(remember just cause you dnt have to disspell alot of heat does not mean you can get by with out consistant air exchange.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
These are all good notes for ya homie but watering is critical... Water slowly and thoroughly... Also for my ph ups n downs I use earth juice.... There is some other good ways for up and downs on this site .. Limes wines vines n what not... Jus look.... Btw I first grew with roots organic dirt n nutes Buddha bloom n grow.... I recommend them... Worked for my fruits ...


Well-Known Member
No argument this time, but what I've got is working well for me at the moment. That's not to say it couldn't be better. It will eventually be moved into a 4x4 grow tent that will fan/duct out the window.


Well-Known Member
but for a home hobby grower (me) that doesn't want to bother with heat removal ducting, bulb replacement over the next three years, and hiding that strange HPS glow that is difficult to mask, well you get the idea I made my points in the posts above.
These are all the benifits of plasma as well dude, long life bulb which is really tiny anyway (really tiny) and no heat whatsoever even less than LeDs but any bright light is hard to hide, go put 1000watt in you room and people will still see the strange glow.

Is a good debate none the less but plasma aint ready yet, for veg its more than perfect but they have yet to adjust the spectrum to include more red for flowering but say its coming soon.

Seriously though it will be the LeD growers who buy them first because for the same price you will either have better plasma or short growing LeDs with the plasma pulling more yeild per watt even on a short grow but also more penetration too.

I only seen em on the Grow light youtube presentation, he turns on a 300watt and it looks ok then he says it takes 1min to warm up, within 30sec the audience are like wow thats bright and he says its not warmed up yet. He gets to 1min and it looks like the whole room is outside in full sunlight, real good lights and twice as competitive as LeDs. Peace


New Member
i have DR. EARTH ORGANIC FERT. can be used alone or as a tea. but don't use tap water b/c it kills the good bacteria that breaks the goods down so the plant can use it.

i made the mistake of using MG= it sucks. now i use plain ol' soil= lime, perlite, canadian peat moss & shagnum..etc. plus wormcasting is very good.


New Member
These are all the benifits of plasma as well dude, long life bulb which is really tiny anyway (really tiny) and no heat whatsoever even less than LeDs but any bright light is hard to hide, go put 1000watt in you room and people will still see the strange glow.

Is a good debate none the less but plasma aint ready yet, for veg its more than perfect but they have yet to adjust the spectrum to include more red for flowering but say its coming soon.

Seriously though it will be the LeD growers who buy them first because for the same price you will either have better plasma or short growing LeDs with the plasma pulling more yeild per watt even on a short grow but also more penetration too.

I only seen em on the Grow light youtube presentation, he turns on a 300watt and it looks ok then he says it takes 1min to warm up, within 30sec the audience are like wow thats bright and he says its not warmed up yet. He gets to 1min and it looks like the whole room is outside in full sunlight, real good lights and twice as competitive as LeDs. Peace
i was just talking about the LEPS on DOGGIE NUTS...this morning KING. u should check it's on 2-days date.


Well-Known Member
i was just talking about the LEPS on DOGGIE NUTS...this morning KING. u should check it's on 2-days date.
Im not here for a while Joey, you got the spirit so when i get back show me some dank, P.S. it took me a few years to get things right at first, stay in for the long haul. Peace and good luck, dont stop and grow hard.