First time grow question?


Oh, and dude... You are the m f'n man! I hope you live in socal... Because when I harvest, I want you to have some for your help... Seeing as we are both legitimate mmj patients I don't think any narcs should have a problem with a gift from a friend.


Oh, and btw this is the soil I am now using.

And, I just realized I can raise my entire box with bricks to avoid having to LST my plants. I initially took the bottom out to have more heighth inside and didn't realize this design bonus until now. I took a trash bag and duct taped it to the inside of the box, which makes it waterproof to the floor and lightproof at all bottom corners. I also just acquired a BBQ cover from my friend to use when the lights go out. It's a perfect size, and will take care of all light leak issues for flowering. :leaf:


The leaves on my plant have curled downwards, and turning a bit yellow on the younger leaves tips. The older leaves are developing a bit of brown on the ege of the leaves. What can i do to fix this? Ive heard the browning tissue on the sides of the leaves are from heat stress, is this true? and will they return to normal or are they permanently scarred? As far as the curling under, i dont know, they havnt curled any more but theyre not straightening out either. Theres a 3 foot 2 fixture T-8 with 6500k h\o lamps above it, I do have a 18 inch flouro on each side, could this cause them to curl, keeping in mind theyre not bending towards the side lights. Its just lost its perk, its still growing alright though, new shoots are forming nicely and younger leaves seem ok.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Oh, and btw this is the soil I am now using.

And, I just realized I can raise my entire box with bricks to avoid having to LST my plants. I initially took the bottom out to have more heighth inside and didn't realize this design bonus until now. I took a trash bag and duct taped it to the inside of the box, which makes it waterproof to the floor and lightproof at all bottom corners. I also just acquired a BBQ cover from my friend to use when the lights go out. It's a perfect size, and will take care of all light leak issues for flowering. :leaf:
As far as when to flower...I would flower when they get approx half the actual growing height you have in your cab. Example...if you have 40" I would flower when the plants reached 16-18 inches. Since you are using CFL's you can get those lights real close to the plants.

I can't really tell but by the pics but it appears to be more of a N or Cal-Mag issue. More than likely a N issue which your grow big should take care of. Also, the medium you are using is good stuff based on the pic of what's in it. That should also help you combat any lil defeciencies that show up. As far as when to add more can just add it to what is already there and roots should form where your leaves are. I personally wouldn't do that at this point. Just get'em big enough to take clones and you can plant the next run with full pots.

Remember, your main goal should be to learn how to get the plants to harvest. This is your first go so keep your expectations low and lets get these girls to harvest. At that point, your experience and skills will be much better and you can learn from your mistakes for the next run. We just gotta get these girls to harvest which I believe should be no problem. Don't worry about yield or any issues that crop up. You are in soil and the "fixes" are much easier to apply in soil/soiless mixes.

Give'em the grow big at half dose and lets see if that yellow stops. The leaves that are affected more than likely won't get any better so don't fret over that. She will grow more leaves.

I certainly thank you for the offer of smoking me out but I get my high off possibly helping a fellow grower out. It sends nothing but good Karma and we all need good Karma when dealing with the trial and tribulations of growing this fantastic plant. Lets get these girls to harvest...that will be a big enough high for me.

It soumds like you are diligent enough and have the necessary skills to improvise when needed. Thats a huge plus in your behalf so just keep up the hard work and lets see where this goes. Let me know if I can help out as I will be checking on your grow. It's fun and exciting and I certainly remember my first attempt. Those are good memories. Good luck and lets see how they do with the first taste of nutes.


The leaves on my plant have curled downwards, and turning a bit yellow on the younger leaves tips. The older leaves are developing a bit of brown on the ege of the leaves. What can i do to fix this? Ive heard the browning tissue on the sides of the leaves are from heat stress, is this true? and will they return to normal or are they permanently scarred? As far as the curling under, i dont know, they havnt curled any more but theyre not straightening out either. Theres a 3 foot 2 fixture T-8 with 6500k h\o lamps above it, I do have a 18 inch flouro on each side, could this cause them to curl, keeping in mind theyre not bending towards the side lights. Its just lost its perk, its still growing alright though, new shoots are forming nicely and younger leaves seem ok.
Hey man,
A simple way to see if the lights are too close, is to put your hand at the plants' distance from any light... If it's too hot for your hand, then it's too hot for your plant. It sounds to me like you some sort of nutrient deficiency. But, I'm a noob, so don't take my word for it...

BTW, what strain of Indica or Indica Dom. Hybrid is that you have pictured?

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
The leaves on my plant have curled downwards, and turning a bit yellow on the younger leaves tips. The older leaves are developing a bit of brown on the ege of the leaves. What can i do to fix this? Ive heard the browning tissue on the sides of the leaves are from heat stress, is this true? and will they return to normal or are they permanently scarred? As far as the curling under, i dont know, they havnt curled any more but theyre not straightening out either. Theres a 3 foot 2 fixture T-8 with 6500k h\o lamps above it, I do have a 18 inch flouro on each side, could this cause them to curl, keeping in mind theyre not bending towards the side lights. Its just lost its perk, its still growing alright though, new shoots are forming nicely and younger leaves seem ok.
I have seen to much N cause leaves to curl at the tips like those. Temps could be a issue. I have no idea iwhat you are running as far as nutes and or soil so that would help to know. I don't want to hijack melcors thread so may I suggest you start a new thread in the Marijuana Plant Problems forum. You will get your answer. Good luck.


So, I gave the girls some nutes yesterday, and...
I saw the most growth in one night yet! The runt isn't recovering as fast, I think because I added a little bat guano to her soil when I transplanted. The tall one developed a new node last night, and the new leaves still look a little shriveled. But, it definitely looks like the shriveling is subsiding. Overall, I would say the tall one looks about 30-40% better. And, the runt looks about 10-20% better.

I was also wondering how you would handle making clones for the next round. Should I make a little box with flor's to raise the clones until my first harvest? Obviously, I can't leave any new clones in the same box, when I start flowering...
Im using Sta-Green soil mixed with about
1\3 sphagnum moss. The ph is right at 7.
I got the plant out of the previous soil after i noticed it start to sag and brown a little bit, and gave it a fresh mix with some perelite. As far as the bottom leaves looking to be i shade, they arent getting as much light as the canopy but i have lights on the sides, although they are about 6 - 7 inches from either side of it. I gave it a good watering after transplanting it and havnt watered it for 3 days, to dry the soil a bit.

Nutes- Miracle-gro liquid 8-7-6. Added a little bit of time release 19-8-10, just a little. Give them the liquid once a week diluted into a spray bottle.

Maybe that will help you further help me



Day 6 since transplant into soiless mix...

Yesterday, all I did was remove some of the dead leaves and necrotic portions of others.

Today, I added some more soil in both pots and watered again with half dose of nutes. I did a light foliar feed again to the runt only, since she is not recovering as quickly. For the runt, you can see in the pic, I have buried the secondary main stem. The strange growth still protruding the soil & coming from the secondary stem, I plan to take for clones in a couple weeks. I'm also hoping to take 2 clones from the taller, normal looking plant.

I've been drawing up some plans to add a little veg box into the closet for clone raising. Then, I can have clones ready to flower as soon as I harvest the 1st round. I think, I have figured out a way to put it in between the existing box and the ac unit I have decided on.

The 1st 2 pics are of the taller lady. The last 3 pics show the runt's progress...



I woke up this morning to find a bunch of female preflower sites... Pistils!!! I was worried about inner-sexing due to the stress from my noob growing skills... I'm so stoked!!!
Will post more pics tomorrow...


I've been quite busy fine-tuning my set-up... Many of the ideas I had didn't work when installed. I've had to adapt alot of design features. Trial and error all the way...

Anyhow, I have moved the outlet fan to the outside of the box. I have my window sill ac, which was originally raised to the level of the box, but made the box way too cold. This way, the temps stay about 70f coming in, and about 75f under the lights, and about 78f above the lights. I raised the box with bricks and added alot more cfl's... I now have 16,800 lumens coming from 11 bulbs... I added a cloning area and a veg box to use once these ladies go onto flower. Then my main box will be the flower box. I still have a little work left on the veg box. Need to get some more mylar and another floro, and hang both floro's...

Also, I got a '91 chemdawg cut!!! She is looking so beautiful... It's pretty obvious which one is the cd... aka-original og!!!

Edit : I have been trimming off all the un-needed fan leaves on the widow's... I think it's working well, since most branches have about 4 or 5 pre-flower sites... Stoke level is high!!!
Pic #2 is the runt. Not a runt anymore...
Pic #3 is the originally taller ww.. I topped and now will have 2 main cola's...



Alright here are photos of both ww's taken about 20 minutes ago. I feel like I have nutrient lockout, since I have them both on full doses of FF Grow Big...
The last 2 pics are of the same plant. I put in the 2nd shot to show the white spots on the down curled leaf...
Any advice will be much appreciated. I'm totally confused and don't want to make another mistake...



I have been watering every 2 days or so. I have been waiting until the top inch or so of soil is dryed out. I flushed about 2 weeks ago, then 2 days later started at an 8th dose. I said in my other shorter thread I just gave the 1st full dose, but I just now realized I am at 1/2 dose now. Plus a 1/4 dose of Pro-Silicate. But, I did add some soil to the pot twice in the last couple weeks. I wonder if the organic ferts in the soil are causing the nute issue?


Well-Known Member
Nute burn and over water, let them dry way the hell out, every 2 days is too often, get a moisture meeter
the soil is plenty wet 3-4 inches down. You are drowning them.
Let them dry out for several days, flush again 3x the water as you have soil
renute add 1 cap of hydrogen proxyde and 1 table spoon molasses to 1 gal of water+nutes and you should b good to roll.
Only feed say 1 time a week, water eervy 3-4 days or as really needed, not as it looks.
They will be fine tho.


Well-Known Member
Molasses replaces the minerals and miro critters your plants loves that get flushed away after the flush.

H.P. disolves ded tissue and oxygenates the soil/roots.
Use HP every watering and molasses every or every other.


Ok, thanks a ton man. The bag of soilless mix says to water daily. I kind of had a gut feeling not listen to it, but I chose to go half way and water every other day. I should have asked here a long time ago... Thanks again bro!


Well-Known Member
Oh, I almost forgot to verify. I have them in 2gl pots... So 6gl of water?
NP remember the bag and fert directions aren't for MJ, they are for "flowers".
It's a normal noob mistake, I made it, most others do as well, not a big deal really, don't sweat it.

Yeah 2gal soil 6 gals of water, make gal 7 your nute mix.

I use 5 gal buckets mostly, flushing is a bitch but well worth it, I try and do it every 2-3 weeks regualry now.

Ohh get Black Strap Molasses, it works best.
Grandmas works good, black strap seems to be the best tho.

If you have time read about it here, great thread