First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

Potseed McGee

Active Member
well, you get a lot of stretch from a seedling, my last northern lights grow from seed went from 5 inches to 29 inches during flower
i've got about 6 nodes in between 2 inches, the thing is packed solid
i don't see how i can LST it, it's just too compact
it's a total of 4 inches tall
so my new grow chamber has 16 inches of head room, this may end up being a super crop job
Hmm, it sounds like I need to start flowering then as well! I think I'll give babies one more week to develop then switch to a 12/12 cycle.

Also, I'm considering starting nutes soon (I started using the 'Bio-Grow' sample i got and doesn't seem to be hurting it so i think I need to get some ferts, if you do recommend I flower soon then perhaps I should skip vegging nutes and go straight for flowering ones? I've read the Fox Farms Tiger Bloom is good, as well as anything from Advanced nutrients. What do you recommend?

Thanks again for all your time and help!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, it sounds like I need to start flowering then as well! I think I'll give babies one more week to develop then switch to a 12/12 cycle.

Also, I'm considering starting nutes soon (I started using the 'Bio-Grow' sample i got and doesn't seem to be hurting it so i think I need to get some ferts, if you do recommend I flower soon then perhaps I should skip vegging nutes and go straight for flowering ones? I've read the Fox Farms Tiger Bloom is good, as well as anything from Advanced nutrients. What do you recommend?

Thanks again for all your time and help!
no problem, i get a lot out of this myself with somebody growing the same strain and same timing
and usually it is better to start flowering sooner if you're not sure how tall it's going to get, lot easier to deal with a smaller plant
you may not get as much, but you should get thicker buds
on the nutes, lot depends on the soil, i toss in a tbsp of bone meal per gallon of soil, MG Organic(6-9-0), it feeds for a while
i brew my own nutes, bone meal tea, kind of funky but works well for me
many use the FF nute line, seems to get plenty of pleased growers

Potseed McGee

Active Member
March 29

My babies are doing well and growing fairly steadily, though i saw my first root hit the bottom of the net pot i have, so I think I will be repotting them in the grow bags today. I took a side shot of the PPP to show its leafs and stem, it's doing well. Additionally, my seedlings cracked last night and as you can see they're out this morning. I'll be buying a humidity dome and some plugs to get them started.

Still no sign of the return of spider mites, Azamax apparently does a good job! Highly recommended!

Potseed McGee

Active Member
So, not a big update today, ill take more detailed pictures tomorrow but heres the scoop:

Got my CHM bulb today ( and appears to be working just fine! BEAUTIFUL white light all around.

I also transplanted my babies into their final homes, 3 gallon bags. As to be expected they haven't grown a bit since, and i noticed on a single leaf a bit of nute burn, so I am waiting to see if it gets worse before flushing (or should i anyway?). Unfortunately the damned light (not the new CHM, the CFLs) fell on the PPP and burned a leaf, grr!

Hopefully she recovers and I'll update in the next day or so with pictures


Well-Known Member
So, not a big update today, ill take more detailed pictures tomorrow but heres the scoop:

Got my CHM bulb today ( and appears to be working just fine! BEAUTIFUL white light all around.

I also transplanted my babies into their final homes, 3 gallon bags. As to be expected they haven't grown a bit since, and i noticed on a single leaf a bit of nute burn, so I am waiting to see if it gets worse before flushing (or should i anyway?). Unfortunately the damned light (not the new CHM, the CFLs) fell on the PPP and burned a leaf, grr!

Hopefully she recovers and I'll update in the next day or so with pictures
ceramic metal halide, now i'm jealous, i use cfl's for small scale grows, don't dare to get too big a grow in my state

the cfl burn is part of your dues, seems to happen to most of us, you need cfl's close and eventually you will burn a leaf or 2

i'd wait a little bit on flushing, shouldn't be bad if the soil mix is the same

and love the side pix of the ppp, got the same look on mine, branching just like yours

Potseed McGee

Active Member
ceramic metal halide, now i'm jealous, i use cfl's for small scale grows, don't dare to get too big a grow in my state

the cfl burn is part of your dues, seems to happen to most of us, you need cfl's close and eventually you will burn a leaf or 2

i'd wait a little bit on flushing, shouldn't be bad if the soil mix is the same

and love the side pix of the ppp, got the same look on mine, branching just like yours
Well, I think it has more to do with my using duct tape to hold it up :P Oh well, I'm sure she'll recover fine.

So the grow room is definitely warmer, I checked it 30 minutes ago and it was 84F so I'm not worried yet, but I'll check it every hour or so and gauge if i need to turn on the AC or something.

After adding the light, I notice there is no longer a vacuum inside the tent, so I'm thinking I may bite the bullet and buy a filter+inline fan (

which i hope will help the vacuum along!

Besides that.. hmm, the humboldt roots seems to be working well, at least on the PPP. She had a strong root system when i pulled her from her pot. The others were doing well, but not nearly as strong. The PPP is definitely a good strain for newbies, she's very forgiving.

I got my two seeds in their little cubs (with humboldt roots) so hopefully they'll pop out tomorrow and they should really like the new light! I'm starting to realize that 5 plants is probably pushing it with the one light on this tent.

This weekend (after they recovery from transplanting, hopefully) I'm going to start flowering. Given how low the light hangs, I don't want my plants getting too damned big so it's probably a good time.

They're not too young are they? Having barely 5 sets of leafs and what not.

Cannot wait to see how they like the CHM! If at the very worst I can always put in a HPS bulb but I think (and hope) CHM will produce some good buds :)


Well-Known Member
i agree with the PPP and vigor, this is a strong strain, it has that rep from other grows, and it is!
you can flower at any time, even right at the start, i.e. 12/12 from seed
there's a thread on this method around somewhere
it's tough to guess on how big they will get, so you rolls the dice and takes your chances
the CMH is a top notch bulb, very close to the sun's natural spectrum

Hazy Head

I think a couple pages back in this thread you were talking about how you started the seedlings out in Ocean Forest but then had to move to a new soil because your babies were getting burned up....well what i usually do is start my seedlings in Light Warrior for 1-2 weeks in solo cups, then I re-pot and transfer them to Ocean Forest for the remainder for of their life, and the girls love it! I did notice thought starting seedlings out in OF is not always the best...but when i use the method described above I get great results! I basically use the whole FF line with success.....sorry for my ramblingg, ill shut up now!


Potseed McGee

Active Member
i agree with the PPP and vigor, this is a strong strain, it has that rep from other grows, and it is!
you can flower at any time, even right at the start, i.e. 12/12 from seed
there's a thread on this method around somewhere
it's tough to guess on how big they will get, so you rolls the dice and takes your chances
the CMH is a top notch bulb, very close to the sun's natural spectrum
Hmm, well I think I'll just let them veg for a while instead of doing 12/12 from seed. They are LOVING the new light! She's spreading out to soak up as much of that energy goodness they can get their leaves on!

Also checked the temp, it's 86F in there now, which I think is due to the mid-day heat so I'm pretty much not at all worried about these guys. This bulb is awesome! I can't wait to see how they really respond, grow-wise to it.

Ive definitely made the decision to flower this weekend, I can't get them get too tall.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
I think a couple pages back in this thread you were talking about how you started the seedlings out in Ocean Forest but then had to move to a new soil because your babies were getting burned up....well what i usually do is start my seedlings in Light Warrior for 1-2 weeks in solo cups, then I re-pot and transfer them to Ocean Forest for the remainder for of their life, and the girls love it! I did notice thought starting seedlings out in OF is not always the best...but when i use the method described above I get great results! I basically use the whole FF line with success.....sorry for my ramblingg, ill shut up now!

Thanks for stopping by Hazy, feel free to ramble on any time!.

Yeah, so my plan is pretty much the same as what you're doing. I have them starting in these little soil cubes then I'll transplant into light warrior. I don't have any Ocean Forest left so It'll be straight light warrior their entire lives.

I was curious, if and when I should take a clone, but I don't really have room to keep clones growing.. so I'm not decided on that yet.

Thanks again for your tips!

Potseed McGee

Active Member
March 31

Updated pictures as promised. When I first opened the tent, the leaves looked off to me, but I'm sorta hung over so I can't say for sure, input in this regard is appreciated. Also, there appears to be more white spots on PPP plant than there was before. How can I determine if this is mold or something I can ignore?

The two seedlings popped out today, they're doing well. One already has a big thick root leaving the cube (my guess is thats the PPP); That humboldt root stuff is awesome.


Well-Known Member
i don't see the white spots on your PPP, that's the healthiest looking plant?
the change to the grow tent/CMH may cause an appearance change, i don't see anything that looks worse


Well-Known Member
ok, i see the white spots - those don't look great, some kind of issue
don't think it's mold, mold is more of a bud problem
i see it's on a leaf that looked nute burned, may be some 'collateral' damage
transplant shock is possible, keep a look out, hopefully it will resolve

Potseed McGee

Active Member
So I took another look at my babies just a bit ago and noticed what I noticed earlier, the leaves are changing color, and getting lighter.

I'm researching it now, but any comments on it in the meantime is appreciated!


On the off chance it's heat stress, I've moved her from directly under the light. I put my hand over the tops of the laves and felt it wasnt very warm but i dunno. I can't tell if its heat stress or nute lockout/burn.


Well-Known Member
lighter is not good, are the lower leaves more affected, or is it all leaves?
if just the lower there is some low nute issue, lockup maybe
checking PH would be a good idea

Potseed McGee

Active Member
lighter is not good, are the lower leaves more affected, or is it all leaves?
if just the lower there is some low nute issue, lockup maybe
checking PH would be a good idea
I'm 99% certain this is heat/light stress from the CHM bulb. The plant I moved to replace the PPP with started showing the same signs.

I have now moved the lamp as high as it can possibly get in my tent. This of course worries me. If the plants were getting heat/light stressed with as big as they are now.. what is going to happen when they start to flower..


Well-Known Member
I'm 99% certain this is heat/light stress from the CHM bulb. The plant I moved to replace the PPP with started showing the same signs.

I have now moved the lamp as high as it can possibly get in my tent. This of course worries me. If the plants were getting heat/light stressed with as big as they are now.. what is going to happen when they start to flower..
it's possible, when you moved your plants from cfl to the CMH, there was probably quite a jump in intensity
the thing is, both plants(i think) were transplanted at the same time to same soil? that's another change they both had at the same time
in any event, having plants get out of control with your grow space is very common
i just started LST today, i just shrunk my chamber and the PPP shot up faster - space just became a premium
but if worried about space, start preparing for some kind of training, it could save your grow

Potseed McGee

Active Member
it's possible, when you moved your plants from cfl to the CMH, there was probably quite a jump in intensity
the thing is, both plants(i think) were transplanted at the same time to same soil? that's another change they both had at the same time
in any event, having plants get out of control with your grow space is very common
i just started LST today, i just shrunk my chamber and the PPP shot up faster - space just became a premium
but if worried about space, start preparing for some kind of training, it could save your grow
Yeah. Well, I had the thought about getting square plastic bins from wally-world or similar. Which would bring the plant down anywhere from 3-7 inches, and would provide me with the added benefit of something to tie the plant down to the sides or whatever.

It's the best thing I can think of to maximize my height along with LST, which i think she is still young enough to do (probably not for long though)

Potseed McGee

Active Member
it's possible, when you moved your plants from cfl to the CMH, there was probably quite a jump in intensity
the thing is, both plants(i think) were transplanted at the same time to same soil? that's another change they both had at the same time
in any event, having plants get out of control with your grow space is very common
i just started LST today, i just shrunk my chamber and the PPP shot up faster - space just became a premium
but if worried about space, start preparing for some kind of training, it could save your grow
Also, I did wonder about that. If the transplanting and new light was too much for them to handle and if they would have handled it better without the new light or transplant. Hard to say at this point and not much i can do about it