First time grow - pictures, will update, suggestions please! closet trash can


Active Member
Yeah. They're all bagseed sooooo I have no idea what I am going to get :? some in the bag are from good bud and some not but I don't remember which ones they were soooo I have no idea what I am going to get. what you think? lol


Well-Known Member
Well I started at the beginning skipped a page here and there but it looks like you are on the right track. I would suggest transplanting to bigger pot as soon as males get pulled and females show themselves.You want to give the roots room to grow asap and time to recover right at the beginning of flower.


Active Member
Oh lol I did! All 3 that were in solo cups are in new pots now. two are in mountain dew 2 liters that I cut and one is in a big milk jug.. the other two are in big enough pots. I just did that like a day or so ago. They amount of room in there is a little limited but I believe there gonna be about 1.5 - 2ft each... so 5 of them will be cool. Any idea on yield? I know its hard to tell...


Well-Known Member
Any estimate would be a pure guess at this point.What are your hopes? I did a couple of bagseed grows before I switched to autos and I am more productive now. check out my journal and you can see what I've got going on


Active Member
lame sauce 106.jpglame sauce 105.jpg

well I guess we will see how they are in a few days :/ I woke up today and one of my lights had fell and burned some leaves so I quickly cut them off. I secured my lights higher because I won't be able to raise them if need be. I tied these things to hopefully grow the way I want to and not die while I am gone.


Active Member

Well, they survived. I took off all the lsting ties and what not. They looked like they were in desperate need of water as well. This is them an hour after the watering + nutrients Big Bud. 4 are obviously female but one seems to not be showing for some reason. So happy they lived!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well, all my bag seed always showed around 28 to 30 days, i would give a little more time, as long as you dont see balls growing on it yet.


Active Member
Just kidding... I just did a really good look at it and found a site where there is like millimeter hairs