First time grow - PC CASE, DWC, DNA 60 DAYS WONDER.


That sounds good man. How did your next batch of Ms. Wonder look? Going to do one more of her and Lowrider 2 the next time. I had a PC case for a week and forsaw a big problem with the crunch. Looked like it would work but with much stress so I got a tent a week later for 65 bucks! DR60.

I also learned from you man and other out there doing Auto's That:

24/0 is a no go and will not promote early flowering or any in some of these strains. Ladies like rest even if its just a little. Shit I only sleep 4 hours a day at times and that is all I need to keep moving so I know they have to like a little rest. So what I here Constant light is like pimping your bitch to work when she is too tired to even spread her legs to give out anything (FLOWERS and BUDS) LOL!


Man, great grow :D

one question how well did yo find the ONA block as I saw you said you where using that for odour control? was it just the ONA block or ONA Gel and norm or pro one, sorry for some many questions lol

Peace :joint:


Hey My 60 Day is showing Sex at 26 Days Man and Pre-Flowering well. 18/6 schedule for these plants after seedling is better than pimping her 24 hours a day strait through. Just an FYI. Go to my profile to see her. Its Lowryder 2 and this again next together. Lowryder 2 is Williams Wonder + Santa Maria (Brazillian Sativa)


Well-Known Member
Hey BezelinJah, your girls are growing like crazy! Keep up the good job. The LST you are doing early in the grow should help keep them from growing too tall.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. Things got pretty fucked up as my dad died few days ago (cancer) so I'm back in my hometown just now... Fuck knows how long I'm gonna be here... My gf is trying get to my flat tonite to rescue my girl. We'll see how it will go... Hopefully good.

My mom is diagnosed with bloody breast cancer also and I must tell you guys that cannabis (in my opinion) is the best medicine for people suffering on cancer (ofcourse going with chemotherapy). Great painkiller + antidepresant + increase appetite = no side effects , no DIARRHOEA!

keep u posted
Hi guys. Things got pretty fucked up as my dad died few days ago (cancer) so I'm back in my hometown just now... Fuck knows how long I'm gonna be here... My gf is trying get to my flat tonite to rescue my girl. We'll see how it will go... Hopefully good.

My mom is diagnosed with bloody breast cancer also and I must tell you guys that cannabis (in my opinion) is the best medicine for people suffering on cancer (ofcourse going with chemotherapy). Great painkiller + antidepresant + increase appetite = no side effects , no DIARRHOEA!

keep u posted
i dont mean to ressurect an old post,

but I plan on growing the same seeds but using soil
I would like know if you have any pictures of the buds cured and ready to smoke
im assuming your profile picture is the Wonder

my condolences for your father and mothers situation


Well-Known Member
i dont mean to ressurect an old post,

but I plan on growing the same seeds but using soil
I would like know if you have any pictures of the buds cured and ready to smoke
im assuming your profile picture is the Wonder

my condolences for your father and mothers situation
Hi. Unfortunatelly I don't have any more pictures left. Smoke was nice, ofcourse indica type. Profile pic it's wonder too. I'm curentelly thinking about growing some more as finally got a new flat and lots of space to use. This girl seems to be really easy to grow and also she does it so fast. I recomend it.

Take care.
when you say decant what kind of taste are we going to be getting from this strain oh and go to this website if some people need proo u can actually grow it on a windowsill it winds me up when people think you cant get a canabis strain that good just read the description it should defantly change peoples minds oh and 1 more thing what kind of rocks did u use in youre compost and the biggest question of it all was it worth it . :peace: