First Time Grow Outdoor Journal


Active Member
Hey everyone
just decided to give a different approach
im growing two different seeds outdoors as i dont have money to spend on lights or anything

ill add pictures they are about a week old and only have been in the sun for about two days

reason that they didnt get in the sun earlier was cause i didnt have any soil and ive got an inflamed tendon so couldnt walk and get

buuut then i dug some of my own soil out the ground and have filled six pots... well half filled haha

anyways ill post pictures of all six, three are from one type and three from another

ive got a few questions to post up but have to be off and will be back in a few hours

um yeah

cheerz =]


Well-Known Member
There isn't enough light in the day to grow a good sized plant. You'll be lucky if your plants grow to be a foot tall. If you want something taller, you absolutely must use a grow light when the sun goes down, or you can wait until spring.


Well-Known Member
As long as you're getting 14+ hours of sunlight you should be fine. Check your local weather for sunrise/set times.


Active Member
Yes 14 hours of sunlight i do have =]

umm let me see now, well so far all is looking good, except one which kinda fell over so think it might be dying =[ but the others are looking good, one looks better than the rest, pictures will either be up tomorrow or maybe later...

um how much water and how often should i water my plants??


Well-Known Member
Can't say for sure. Add enough water until you see a little drainage. Water again when the top inch of soil is dry(poke around with your finger). This could take a few days, or as much as a week.


Active Member
Okay so today the unknown little sprouts kinda all fell over
i think the sun is too hot for them or they werent getting enough water

so basically ive got two left now, they are Swazi Redbeard and are both looking pretty strong in the sun and have just been watered... probably gonna germinate some more seeds and put them with the rest, they are now a week old the two survivors

i havnt given up hope on the other four that have fallen over though, maybe the water and some shade will help them get back...

so can anybody give me any tips or hints or stuff

thanks =]


Well-Known Member
i havnt given up hope on the other four that have fallen over though, maybe the water and some shade will help them get
Not much you can do beyond that. It might be too late for them, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Definitely keep them out of direct sunlight if it's too hot. They're still seedlings, so they don't need a tremendous amount of light(at least in terms of lumens).


Active Member
thank you man, yeah im moving them when the sun is at its hottest point, they can soak in all the afternoon light and early evening and also the early morning light

so there are two pretty strong, and i was looking through the cubboard i ha germinated them in and found one i had missed out, quite longish and looked pretty healthy, so i put her in a pot and now shes out in the sun, so thAts three, pictures to be posted soon as soon as i get them off my phone

thanks for help


Active Member

im going out now and a light rain is going to be happening for a few hours, should i leave my seedlings out or put them under cover??


Active Member
thanks man, i didnt
just gotta watch weather report when the rain comes once in awhile and ill just bring them inside for awhile
sorry about no pictures
for def tomorrow and then will carry on untill the end


Active Member
a few pictures are up in a few minutes if anybodys interested

they are a week old =]

anyways, i know im not supposed to feed them any nutrients yet but when should i start?


Well-Known Member
If you're using quality soil, you probably won't have to add nutrients for the first 3-4 weeks, maybe longer if it's the time-released stuff.


Well-Known Member
You can make your own nutrients, but you'll need stuff like bat guano and worm casting among other things. Not really the kind of stuff most people have laying around the house.


Active Member
yeah thats true
can you see my pictures or do i havta change my privacy settings or something??

anyways its about day 9 or so and not much sunlight today
hopefully later the clouds will clear