First Time Grow - One Month In - Need Help


I have grown three plants for about a month now and need to know if anyone has any advice for me. They are getting pretty leafy and are between 10-14 inches in size. Can anyone tell the sex of any of the plants? Does anyone have any advice?

I am using nutrients and am growing outdoors.


All Plants:

Plant 1:

Plant 2:

Plant 3:



Well-Known Member
tough to tell on the sex but they are too close. can you transplant to three different pots? we usually containers like that for seedlings then transplant before they get too big. get that done then worry about sex.


Well-Known Member
looks fine to me... i've grown plants in same pots, no harm in that, esp with such big containers

use neem oil to counter pests outside

they will start flowering late july or early august
then you can tell their sex