first time grow need some help with pics


i am a first time grower and going into some trouble with my plant.. im growing nirvana bubbalicious autoflower that i would say is about 3 weeks into flowering i keep it on 18/6 with a 250 watt hps about 10 inches from the top of the plant.. I noticed that some of my leaves started getting yellowing spots on the bottom leaves and did some reading and thought that my ph was off.. I raise my ph to about 8 cause my runoff water was very low without raising the ph. now the run off is about 6 with raising the ph. Btw it is in fox farm happy frog in a 3 gallon bucket. any help would be really great and any advice would be appreciated..



Active Member
i am a first time grower and going into some trouble with my plant.. im growing nirvana bubbalicious autoflower that i would say is about 3 weeks into flowering i keep it on 18/6 with a 250 watt hps about 10 inches from the top of the plant.. I noticed that some of my leaves started getting yellowing spots on the bottom leaves and did some reading and thought that my ph was off.. I raise my ph to about 8 cause my runoff water was very low without raising the ph. now the run off is about 6 with raising the ph. Btw it is in fox farm happy frog in a 3 gallon bucket. any help would be really great and any advice would be appreciated..
yeah dude i agree with him very small pics hard to tell anything


plant 1.jpgplant 2.jpg tried to take a better one its a little hard to see but yellow spots showing up all over the place thanks in advance evry1