First time Grow Light Help!


New Member
the heat is about equaled to 2 cfls going and u are 5 inches away from it ................basically u are invisible to cops with Flair tent runs 4 to 5 degrees hotter then the intake (and i only have a powered inake going no exhust if i did that i betting temp would stay with in 1-2 degrees)
Alright man, you are probably the greatest source of information that I have come across for this build. Paycheck comes in soon and I'm set on getting this light now. Is there any last minute information I should know about growing with my setup?


Well-Known Member
and np hope it saves u from my mistakes.................pass it on to random person u see needs help and we are cool man


Well-Known Member
My Opinion is simply find a comp may that actually exists. not a front for chinese manufactured goods or seconds as i call them.. find a company that you can call on the phone and actually talk to a person.. and theses lights run you around 280.00 to veg and flower. beat that people..LOL good luck and if you don't believe me check out my photos of my grows... i know a lil bit


Well-Known Member
oh note ..............if u do soil
1 gallon of soil is 1 month ........and i like to give it extra incase something needs longer

soil bags are your friend (smart soil pots / fabric bags)


Well-Known Member
nooooo why would use do that 600w hps 60-70 buck inline fan 80 bucks job done lots of weed no hassel of stupid leds and crappy cfls and u will get a nice amount of weed if 600 to much my hydro store does 150w hps kits with fans for 110 buck


Well-Known Member
You don't "need" two lights. Yes it is true that plants react differently to certain wavelenghts of light depending on stage of life cycle but you can grow great bud with either hps and mh all the way from seed through veg and flower up until harvest. General opinion is that if you were to choose one light for entire grow you should go with hps because of greater lumen per watt output (although with new HQI mh lumen output is not far behind hps). The end result will be taller/lankier plants as it is the blue part of spectrum telling the plant to stop stretching and hps is missing that. I can explain exactly how it happens in another post if you wish. If you were to grow entirely under mh you can expect slightly smaller harvest (on same wattage when compared with hps) but harder nuggets (plant does not stretch that much so flower growth is naturally more compacted). Another theory is that our plants produce more resin in response to certain wavelenghts of uv light which hps has almost none but metal halide bleeds some even through b/s glass of outer envelope that is there to stop it from getting out. Also - do never go for 5000K light as this one produces least PAR (light usable for plants). Reason being too much of green spectrum in overall light output. We can see it hence lumen rating (describing light visible to us) is the same as other Kelvin values lamps but much of this light is made up of green spectrum which plants can't see, that is why we see green leaves - plants are reflecting most of the light they don't use. 4000K and less or 6000K and more. And with LED well ...... light penetration is overrated and people are getting best results with SCROG because light can be kept closer to ALL budding sites. Nothing to do with technology but with HID, all of your light output comes from a single point (mh) or linear small surface (hps). with LED even with good lenses it is spread out within light fixture. Same wattage shining from a small point produces a lot more penetration. I am not against LEDs but HID is a lot more forgiving and cheaper plus in my opinion produces better results (if you don't believe check latest Subcool test grow with good quality LED compared to hids, even on the plants between two lights buds were bigger/denser on the side lit by hid).


Well-Known Member
oh one more....
autos like every other plant on earth react to change in light spectrum. Through evolution nature created mechanism letting all the plants to adapt to sunlight changing through the seasons and use what is available. Autos will not react much to change in light schedule but will appreciate changing from mh to hps when flowering starts as well as photoperiod plants (or any other plant). so a theory that photos=2 lighs but autos=just 1 does not add up. Choose depending on your finances not the strain you grow. I suggest you get a good switchable/dimmable ballast and two 600W bulbs. 1 MH and 1 HPS. start with mh dialled down to 250 when plants are young upping to 400/600W in veg and when flowering starts run 400/600W hps until harvest. All can be bought for 100 pounds in UK


Well-Known Member
LED lights seem so alien to me. Can someone please help with the following concerns...

I know for normal lighting, when you start to veg you should use lights with around +5000k
And switch to 2500k lights during flowering.

How is this done with LED??

Also, what type of wattage do you account for if using LED?

What should I be looking to purchase in my given room?
6500K would be better. I don;t think you can find 2500K lights, tho I may be mistaken. 2700K are fine and easy to find. Some LEDs, like say Lumigrow have dimmers for the blue, red, and white diodes, but most do not. You're more or less stuck with using whatever spectra they have or buying two sets of lights. If you're trying to keep your costs down, I recommend you NOT use LEDs. While you use less electric, the high cost for the luminaire itself means it will be years before they save enough on electricity cost to make up the difference. The cheaper lights won't last that long. I think 30 watts per square foot is a minimum to aim for. Bear in mind the cheaper lights are less efficient and you may need to use more power. I expect you will see a lot of people disagree with my advise. Here's my take on LEDs: The longer you wait to purchase one, the better and cheaper it will be. If you think you will have trouble cooling your grow, LEDs may still be your best choice. I'm not a fan of fluorescents for anything but vegging. They just don't have the intensity needed for flowering.
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Screaming trees

Well-Known Member
I'd love to get some quality LED grows under my belt. I think that would be ideal for that cabinet. Heat and space being your major issues I'm thinking. Sunblaster sells single strip lighting. Could be an option there maybe?? But then again my thoughts are what kind of bud quality you shooting for? That's how I'd be thinking it personally. I love engineering new stuff! Best if luck to you!