First time grow in grow closet in bathroom


I am new to the site and thought i'd create this thread to show how i'm growing and to get some advice.

So I have germinated 4 Vanilla kush feminised seeds in paper towel and put them into peat pellets 8 days ago when the taproot was about 1cm. I have them under 2 55W PL-L lamps 6500K (4550 lumens per lamp). I have 4 PL-L lamps total in there, I will turn on the other 2 when I transplant the seedlings into pots. This is 220W total for veg (18200 lumens)

My grow closet is 2 ft x 1.3 ft by 5 ft high (2.6 sq ft). I have a 250W HPS that i will use for flowering with a coolhood and a Rhino carbon filter and 5 inch ruck fan which is rated at 60 cfm. The Carbon filter will be attached to the fan and installed horizontally at the top of the closet ( it just about fits). I have cut a 5 inch hole in the side of the closet so the fan will suck all the air through the carbon filter and into a ducting on the outside, it will make three 90 degree bends and will go back into the closet and through the coolhood and the air will be released outside the closet where i have a bathroom extractor fan which will take the air outside. I hope the fan will still be able to cool the 250W HPS with 3 bends and a carbon filter. The carbon filter and coolhood will take up 20 inches of the top of the closet space so i will have only 40 inches of hight left after and i need to take away pot hight which is might be 10 inch (1 gallon pots) so just 30 inches left. Vanilla kush apparently grows to about 25 inches, that would leave me with 5 inches of space which i will probably need under the coolhood glass screen .
I have some PC fans attached to the outside of the closet blowing air in and across the plants and i have a coolmist humidifier inside the closet now to give the seedlings 75% humidity, without it the humidity in the bathroom is 20%.

The growing medium i will use is a soil/perilte mixture and I am using ocean minerals for nutrients, it contains over 90 elements extracted from the deap sea and concentrated.

The space is way to small for 4 plants so I think I should switch them to flower after another 1 week of veg and have 4 main colas which i could top and get 8.
Or i could grow the 2 strongest looking seedlings and top them 2 times and get 8 main colas.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
2012-02-11 21.52.04.jpg2012-02-11 21.51.56.jpg2012-02-11 21.50.55.jpg2012-02-11 21.50.43.jpg2012-02-11 21.50.12.jpg2012-02-11 21.48.45.jpg2012-02-08 20.42.46.jpg


I planted in 75% soil 25% perlite exactly 8 days after planting in the peat pellets and there was around 1 cm of roots coming out of the bottom of the pellets, i realised i should of transplanted a few days earlier or just planted straight into soil when germinated. I probably slowed down growth for a few days.

Day 13 since germinated seeds were planted.

V.Kush day12.jpg
One of the 4 plants is suffering a bit of nute burn, I shouldn't of feed them and learnt a lesson there.
v.kush weakest nute burn day 13.jpg

The other 3 look good and 1 is growing very fast.
V.kush strongest day 13.jpg
I checked on the LUX meter how much LUX (lumens per Square meter) there is and it measured around 33,000 at the leaf hight(4 inches from the lamp), and LUX mesured 12 inches from the lamp is 10,000, I can see why scrog is a good idea! according to Jorges Cervantes book 27,000 LUX is what is preferable in the vegetative stage (107,000 in flowering) The temp is around 26 degrees C with 50% humidity with lights on and 20 C and 22% RH with lights off.

I will probably just choose the best 2 and grow them but i am thinking maybe 2 is too much for this space so i could end up going with 1.