First time grow in a bubbleponic!


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow it's a unknown strain I found the seed in a bag I got and decided to try and grow it and been reading on growing like crazy.
Lights CFLs
Nutes general hydroponic Flora trio
Home made Bubbleponic/top fed DWC
mad my own cfl reflector out of duct tubing.
I originally planted the seed in coco but read that plants grow faster in actual hydro systems so I transplanted it into the bubbleponic system so it stressed it out big time I thought it was gunna die, but the stress killed the first nodes which I snipped off today, and the second nodes got some stress effect but not bad and still seems to be alive even tho tho the tips of the leaves r yellow, but the new grow seems to be doing well. It's currently in the end of week 3 in veg it'll be 4 weeks on Monday. Some of the new growth is faded yellow not sure what that is from but I just upped the nutes today so I dunno if that will fix it or make it worse I guess only time will tell.
Here are some pics!



Well-Known Member
If anyone has any suggestions on what I could do better on anything let me know!! Happy Growing!!!!


New Member
Hey nvhak49 - I'm no expert but I'm at the end of my 3rd week as well. 2 weeks ago I transplanted my plant into a new netpot and had a very similar situation with the stress and my lowest leaf showed some yellowing. I've paid it some attention over the last week and its bouncing right back. Comparing your plant to mine - looks like they're both growing at the same rate.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ya it's a lot alike, the first node leaves on mine dead so I clipped them off but the rest of the plant is doing really well it seems other than the 2nd node leaves half yellow from the transplant stress but other than that it's looks like it's going well I'll be posting more pics soon and thru out the growth of it, hoping it's a female, cuz I only have one plant right now and I'm still waiting for my auto seeds to come in the mail hopefully this week!


Well-Known Member
Since I was having problems with my plant and I flushed it for 24 hours on Monday I put in a small amount of nute and some Epsom salt cuz I think it was a mag def and it seemed to help it a lot. It's well into week for I to veg and will be 5 Monday. I topped it and I started LSTing it too to make it bushier.



Well-Known Member
Looks Good, you will have to add more CFL's as the plant grows ensure you ahve a filter to stop roots crawling to the pump...?


Well-Known Member
Ya I'll have to get a filter for it so that doesn't happen what would I recommend in doing?
Here's some up to date pics of my plant at 5 weeks old!



Well-Known Member
i did a homemade bubbleponic grow once my roots made it down into the nutes i unhooked the pump at that point i guess it became a dwc there used to be a lot of bubbleheads on this site they even had their own bubblehead logo/avatar you dont hear much from them these days mine had 6 plants & actualy did pretty good these days i do e&f coco/perlite in 2 gal smart pots good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
Here's a up date on my plant it's 6 weeks old today and it's pretty freaking bushy I topped it and LSTed it twice pretty good i suppose for a first timer haha. I'm gunna switch out the 6500k/5000k CFLs and CREEs this week for 2700k CFLs and some CREEs and switch to 12/12 and find out if it's a female I'm really hoping it is haha. I gotta tent finally I love it but I need more plants going ill probably do one more or two more if this plant turns out to being a male "knock on wood"!



Well-Known Member
I just flipped them to 12/12 and added one 70w cree 2700k bulb and one 150w cfl 2600k bulb to my mix of 5000k CFLs and CREEs, excited to see the out come keeping my fingers crossed for a female haha!