First time grow how am i doing? any pointers?


bud bootlegger
the plants look really good so far.. the only thing that i would suggest is getting rid of the foil ..the problem with foil is that it can cause hot spots and may end up burning your plants.. instead you can either just paint the box a flat white color or even use white paper to line it with... flat white is about 85% reflective, so it will be much better than the foil..
other than that, the plants look great.. keep up the good work m8... ghetto or not, we all gotta start somewhere right..
when you say white paper do you mean like computer paper?

also the whole transplanting thing i tried that with my last plant and put it into shock which shortly died afterwards. i need major pointers for that hah


Well-Known Member
only got one plant, want to keep it cheap

read my Goin Loco Journal

plant looks good

and yes lose the foil,,,,,please


Well-Known Member
No , he means paint the surrounding surfaces "flat white " and cuz foil is shit and doesnt reflect , its absorbs the energy and yeah it can burn ur plants


Well-Known Member
take and prepare your big pot make a hole in the soil approx the size of your current pot, DO NOT water the new pot moist is good, wet is not

take your current pot and submerge it in a bucket of cold water (can be tap water) PH'd to 5.8, no nutes

Do this when you would normally feed and then skip that feeding

gently remove the pot (after the water has drained from being dunked) put the root ball (wet soil & all) into the hole you made, gently fill in with soil, don't pack it down and don't water it till the top of the original soil is dry like 2 inches down


think rain, which is cold and has a ph of 5.6 in most places. When it rains plants kinda go to sleep and wait, so the dunking will put the plant in this wait state. Once you put it back under your light it will think the sun came out and it will wake back up, completely unaware it was moved
some of the roots are already coming through the drain hole in the bottom. Do i just feed them threw the hole when i transplant or how do i handle that situation
oh my gosh your a genius ive been reading the journal i've learned so much haha

would you suggest to paint it flat white or the mylar thing


Well-Known Member
oh my gosh your a genius ive been reading the journal i've learned so much haha

would you suggest to paint it flat white or the mylar thing
Wouldn't go that far but thanks

both are good, I prefer that which does not wrinkle (why I went with the car shade thingy) but once I move will be using flat white paint (bigger area)
i think the biggest pot i have is 8in in diameter which is what im gonno transplant to if i cant find a bigger one.

when should i transplant. soon or should i wait awhile
okay so i took you guys advice and went to walmart. i bought new soil. prelite and organic potting. i mixed it 1:2. 1 being the prelite. i spray painted the box white(thinking it would be suffice) and i transplanted it into a pot that is about double the old ones size. so i took pictures :] here they are.

what do you think?



Well-Known Member
Nice man I see you re painted and shit.Do you plan on getting more lights?Because them 2 cfl's aren't gonna cut it.
yes i have another y spliter i could put 2 more in but not the blue tented ones i just have the soft white. so what i was thinking is i could put one of each on them