First time grow- help


New Member
Hey guys,

This is my first time grow and has been disasterous. I've been using 1 LED (1600 lumens) and 1 CFL (1750 lumens). My plant initially got root maggots, but I think I was able to fix those through a treatment of neem oil. I forgot to water it for about a week (maybe a little more) and its drooping. I watered it and made sure the soil is moist about two days ago, but it still looks like it's going to die. I'm not sure what the problem is, any feedback is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
OK, some more constructive advice needed then... Get a hydrometer so you can tell us what the humidity and temperature is for starters. Do you have good airflow and air exchange? I assume not if you had maggots. I don't care what nutes I use, I just concentrate on the environment and keeping it at 75-77. Happy environment = Happy plants bongsmilie If the environment is rubbish, the plants will be too :cry:


Active Member
Sorry man. That thing looks hella bad. The sooner you start over the sooner you get back to business. If you don't mind, was it a clone?


Well-Known Member
Well....Honestly to me they look over watered and drowned.

Ohhh just went through all the problems you had....

Yeah it's a combination of all of it.
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Well-Known Member
It's tough when you start out. You pick up so much along the way. Even now, I can grow happy plants with the soil I buy in my hydro shop. But give me used soil and the plants always do really bad.

It takes a while to get dialled in.

Start off with a good soil and it makes it so much easier. Also ph the water/feeds to 6.0-6.5 and don't go silly with the feeds. That along with the environment all there is too it, well almost all (: