First Time Grow / Hawaii Maui Waui / Indoor


Active Member

Day 10. Their first set of leaves are visible now.Still just using tap water.When should I begin to use nutrients, bros ?


Well-Known Member
Depends on how much nutrients are in your soil already. Most people wait till cotelydons start to yellow or the plant starts losing its dark green and turns more lime. Nutrient rich soils like FFOF or Roots Organic have enough nitrogen for 3-4 weeks. What brand of soil are you using? It just says coco peat..


Active Member
Currently its only cocopeat mixed with perlite, Mechanical. Nothing more. But I have General Hydroponics Flora series and I am going to use them.


Well-Known Member
They still a while to go before before nutrients but just keep an eye out for yellowing. Have you ph'd your run off? With soil you have to worry about the ph of the soil as well as your nutrients but more so your soil. Most soil growers mix in lime with their soil to buffer the ph to 7ish. If you didn't you can buy the fine lime and top dress and then water it in.


Active Member
I ph my water always but I don't know about my soils ph.I dont have ph meter for soil.I can buy some lime, should I put the limes on top of my soil then water the soil normally ?


Well-Known Member
Hey man looks great so far. If you don't mind I'd like to offer a bit of advice. I HIGHLY recommend two things if your using mineral based nutrients. First and IMHO most important is a TDS/EC/PPM meter. If you just follow the directions on the bottle your most likely headed for disaster. If you can't swing one then get some syringes that measure in ml and start with no more than 1 ml per gallon. I would suggest waiting until the cotyledons begin to yellow before giving them anything. Also, don't feed using a "schedule" feed when your plants are hungry. You will notice some yellowing on the lower most set of leaves when the need some food while in veg, this is perfectly fine and won't hurt anything. Take notes when this happens and then next time give them some food 3 or 4 days before they yellowed on the previous grow. Second get a ph meter. It is a must have if using mineral nutrients Make sure your solution is ph'd between 5.8 and 6.3. This is a pretty safe range for soiless. Good luck.


Active Member
Hey man looks great so far. If you don't mind I'd like to offer a bit of advice. I HIGHLY recommend two things if your using mineral based nutrients. First and IMHO most important is a TDS/EC/PPM meter. If you just follow the directions on the bottle your most likely headed for disaster. If you can't swing one then get some syringes that measure in ml and start with no more than 1 ml per gallon. I would suggest waiting until the cotyledons begin to yellow before giving them anything. Also, don't feed using a "schedule" feed when your plants are hungry. You will notice some yellowing on the lower most set of leaves when the need some food while in veg, this is perfectly fine and won't hurt anything. Take notes when this happens and then next time give them some food 3 or 4 days before they yellowed on the previous grow. Second get a ph meter. It is a must have if using mineral nutrients Make sure your solution is ph'd between 5.8 and 6.3. This is a pretty safe range for soiless. Good luck.

Thanks for advice workinit.Currently I can't afford PPM meter.And I am not giving any nutrients now.But I will use GH Flora series, I already got 2ml and 5ml syringes for them.I have ph drop.Adjusting my tap water's ph before feeding to my babies.I keep ph between 6.0-6.5


Active Member

Hey guys, its day 12. Two of them doing just fine but other one(Leaf biten by cat -_- ) is not doing good.Its color is lighter than others and have some yellow spots.I think these are burn marks right ? Anyway, any advice for how to fix her ? Other two is right under light and not burning but this one burns I think :/ I appreciate any help, thanks!