First Time Grow / Hawaii Maui Waui / Indoor


Active Member
Hi everyone , this is my first post and first grow. I read so many about growing but I am newbie.

Here is my setup ;

Plant : Hawaii Maui Waui
Pots : 8 Liters / 2.11 Gal
Grow medium : Coco Peat mixed with Perlite
Nutrients : GH Flora Series
Light : 150W MH for veg. , switch to 400W HPS for flowering
Water : Using tap water but I use ph down to adjust its ph around 6.0-6.5

I planted my seedlings in pots on 14.12.2012 so it is day 6 now. ( I dont count germination time)

Photos ;

My growing space ( I know its small , I will try to find a bigger place )

This photo taken on 18 December (Day 4).Seedling leaves began to appear.

Day 6

Day 6 , have beautiful seedling leaves and first set of adult leaves appearing.

Im just watering them with tap water. No nutrients.Light is open for 24 hours.I appreciate any help from experienced growers :) I will keep updated my journal time to time.


Active Member
Yeah , what should I do about it bro ? I think they are having a good light.Stretching because of high temperature maybe ?


Well-Known Member
They are stretching 'cause the light is too high, lower them if you can as long as it doesn't burn them. good luck on your grow.


Active Member
I lowered my light now , but I am afraid i will burn them :/ That 150W MH light gives so much heat and I don't have air ventilation system.I will keep open the front side.Thanks DeeTee :)


Well-Known Member
This is NOT the strain a beginner wants to learn to grow with. You'll have your work cut out to keep them healthy.......


Active Member
After ordered my seeds, I noticed that this is NOT a strain for small growing space but I have no other choice now.I need to grow them.Fortunately I have so much spare time, so with you guys help maybe I can do this :)


Well-Known Member
Pinch them early and often and flower early. Expect at least a 3X growth explosion when u put them in flowering. Tie the branches down to limit height. Gonna be a tough grow..... this is best as an outside grow, with loads of sun and warm temps.........but if you can get there, it's one of my favorite smokes- electric buzz, lime green buds, and pine smell.


Active Member
What do you mean with "pinch" ? Im sorry I dont know some terms. Should I do LST to limit height ? With "tie branches" I think you mean doing LST ?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean with "pinch" ? Im sorry I dont know some terms. Should I do LST to limit height ? With "tie branches" I think you mean doing LST ?
Im pretty sure he means top them, pinch the tops off to promote side growth and more even canopy. Maui has a great body structure and would do great under scrog. I wouldnt lst. Scrog all the way. Weird ass twisted plants look weird. Scrog looks awsome.


Well-Known Member
Also to me it doesnt look like theyre stretching to bad, my seeds are about the same hight when they get the second set of leaves. If you can find a way to get your lights higher by taking out those quick draws later then the height thing will be easier to deal with. I dont care if you have to chickenwire it to that bar, find a way to get it up there to the top. Cool tent by the way. I hope its light sealed.


Active Member
They only have seedling leaves now but I think doing LST or Scrog. I don't know which one to choose though.I needed to lower my light for seedling and I don't have any chains, so thats the best I can do with my items :) I will hang the light on that bar when plants grow bigger.

Edit : I covered inside with mylar, so its pretty light sealed except the front side.But its not a big deal, actually i like it at night.its like night lamp


Well-Known Member
.....with loads of sun and warm temps.........but if you can get there, it's one of my favorite smokes- electric buzz, lime green buds, and pine smell.
Hey SSHZ, you just blew my mind with that description. I still remember buying that, (or I was told it was that), once back in the day. Lime green, pine smell and it had purple hairs in it. Wonderful stuff, if it's the same. Do you think that it could handle vegging in a rather large tent with 90F to 105F degree temps and CO2 supplementation? Just wondering what you thought about that. Thanks


Active Member
Replanted the babies deeper because of the long stretchy stems.
And lowered the light to prevent stretching again. I hope this time they dont stretch and I don't want to burn them either.


Well-Known Member
Hey SSHZ, you just blew my mind with that description. I still remember buying that, (or I was told it was that), once back in the day. Lime green, pine smell and it had purple hairs in it. Wonderful stuff, if it's the same. Do you think that it could handle vegging in a rather large tent with 90F to 105F degree temps and CO2 supplementation? Just wondering what you thought about that. Thanks

Well, if you are as old as I am, you might remember the stuff but it was late 1980's. Maybe the best smoke I ever had. It was $300 a oz way back then. The problem with CO2 is you'll just be increasing the overall size of the plant, which will be a problem indoors. And the speed of growth for a newbie could be challenging too. Temps, even with CO2 shouldn't be higher than in the high 80's (degrees) anyway, possible low 90's but I'd stay in the 80's or you'll be watering daily.


Well-Known Member
How big is your tent? Might be tough to scrog three stretchy plants under a small screen. Not impossible but it would be tough to gauge when to switch to 12/12. Too early and you wont yield much. Too late and you will over run your screen and have a hard time keeping an even canopy. Seeing that you picked a tough strain I'd say to top them twice each and flower as soon as they recover from their last topping. Keep em small. Good luck to ya..


Active Member
Tent's height is about 100 cm ground to above. With pots and light , there is 60-70cm space for plants :/ If scrog is hard for this setup , i will go with topping as you recommend.Can I do LST with topping ? Tie them down and top ? I really need help with this grow because I know I choose a bad strain for growing in small grow space. Thanks bro