first time grow getting a bit out of hand


So i'm gona start at the beginning, grab a smoke and a drink for this one.. I started growing in the beginning of november 2012 with the idea of growing as much bud as possible and learning as much as possible about growing. I started out with 5 fem kaya gold seeds and 10 indica/sativa freebies from dutchseeds or someshit lol. 4 of the kayas and all the freebies germed via the paper towel method. I started with a 1000w hps and 5 gal (atleast) pots and a homemade compost pile soil. The seedling stage was hell because i had the light too far away and wasnt paying enough attn/ didnt know that it was bad for them to stretch to like 6 inches+ with only its first set of true leaves and they almost all fell over so i just filled the pots with more soil until they were small again then moved the light abit closer. after that ordeal only 3 kayas remained and 5 freebies. Then i was planning on letting them veg for about 30 days and start flowering at the beginning of december but after 1 month of 12/12 light schedule (and the most ungodly amount of stretching) still no buds. So after much inspection i learned the closet they were in was too close to a window so most of the night cycle not alot (but apparently enough) was interrupted by light. I then decided to build a sloppy but functional grow room and i did just that. after that the buds started coming around the beginning to middle of january on some end of january on others after more f***ing stretching.. 2 of the freebies were male and my dog got ahold to the best looking kaya while the other remaining 2 were stunted and just looked pitiful for like a month. also before i put them in the tent i took a few clones to try a perpetual garden. so that left me with 6 freebie seeds in my tent all but one got way too big way too fast so before i looked online i topped one than i did more research and decided to supercrop the rest. Now after i nursed the 2 kayas back to great health about a month and a half ago theyre just exploding after i did some topping and lst and all the clones got so big i had to order a tent online with a 400w super hps and i started flowering them and the kayas about a week and a half ago. almost forgot been using expert gardener nutes or something and moab. I only started feeding nutes once flowering started as the compost kept em well fed the whole time they were vegging. gona just post pics in progression so you can see their life so far might take a few posts because i got alot of picsiphone 062.jpgiphone 063.jpgiphone 065.jpgiphone 064.jpgiphone 067.jpgiphone 068.jpgiphone 071.jpgiphone 073.jpgiphone 074.jpgiphone 075.jpgiphone 076.jpgiphone 077.jpgiphone 078.jpgiphone 175.jpgiphone 176.jpgiphone 173.jpgiphone 174.jpgIMG_0166.jpgIMG_0165.jpgIMG_0164.jpgIMG_0163.jpgIMG_0162.jpgIMG_0161.jpg007.jpgiphone 216.jpgiphone 213.jpgiphone 211.jpgiphone 209.jpgiphone 205.jpgiphone 203.jpgiphone 202.jpgiphone 201.jpgiphone 200.jpgiphone 199.jpgiphone 194.jpgiphone 177.jpg


Keep in mind that sativa's are naturally the tallest strain. This could be one of the reasons why you're having issues with them stretching.


Well-Known Member
You have the marijuana grower's version of GAS. Guitar Acquisition Syndrome. "Just one more ...." that we musicians suffer from. I am aware of the symptoms being a lifelong sufferer and recognized it when I started growing indoors. Outdoors I never had a space problem.


Well-Known Member
The stretching is from the heat (its too hot) and you should have topped them after the 3rd node. The stunted yellow seedlings are due to too much heat and light intensity.


Thanks yea I agree with all of the above which is why I tried a few things w the clones I got and I really like the results thus far I topped some above the first, second and third node and lst'd the ones I cut above the second and third nodes and as you can tell by the Kaya's they bushed like crazy and as for the quantity I just got rid of over a dozen clones and still have about a dozen plants flowering under a mix of 1400w HPS and cfls


Active Member
Dude its because your growing sativas And don't know anything about them. Such as they grow tall and lanky , such as they take longer to flower , they can be controlled but not by a newb

This is a few of many reasons why most don't grow sativas indoors