First time grow. FLOWERING!! With pictures

Heya guys! Hope all is well, and enjoying another day in this post-apocalyptic world (joking).

So I just posted a couple days ago a time lapsed photo strip from transplantation to flower, and have some pictures of where my girls are at right now.

I was trying to get an estimate of the size of my harvest from a friend so I have pictures of the girls one by one, then the whole tent and a couple close ups of my biggest cola.

I had some questions on my other post so let me quickly recap what I've been doing. Using the root organics line of soil and nutrients. I use mycorrhizae when I transplant, and have transplanted clones from solo cups to 3 gallon to 10 gallon. It has been recommended to me that i should include an intermediate size between the 3 and 10 gallon, and maybe I will for my next grow. I feed once per week and water once per week. They vegged under a t5 fluorescent light system for about 2 months, and they are flowering under 2 600w HPS lights for about 5 weeks.

As always, I'm looking for any questions, critiques, comments, or anything else you guys might have :)

Cheers! and happy growing:leaf:



Active Member
I spot leaf boners!!! girls are loving it! Keep up the good work :D. Also wondering how many plant you have in flower? What strain?

x iGrow x

Active Member
Those are some fucking nice plants man.. And for a first grow they look awesome.. +rep and subbscribed