FirST timE GrOW DUmB DeCiSOn


Well-Known Member
WELL acTUally i'm a grown aZZ man with my own house and if you dont know me dont just though out ya input bruh cause i didn't ask for the negitive comments i'm trying to enjoy the magic of growing your own plants so if you can't come on here without sayin childish stuff then i would suggest you don't have to reply to my post cause i'm really not a kind person when i feel like you disprespect me .....
Well then Mr. Grown aZZ man, how is anyone going to take you serious if you TyPe LiKE thIS and call me your "bruh" whatever that means? Sounds like a sound effect from a Neanderthal to me. I'm discouraging you from growing because you will either 1. end up behind bars and 2. give RIU a bad reputation and 3. your actions will negatively impact people around you (ie. your parents). Its foolish underaged individuals (such as you) who give Marijuana users a bad image. You can't even play stealth online to hide your age, nevermind being stealth trying to grow bud. I don't really care if i'm disrespecting you. You can't do anything about it "bruh"


Active Member
Let me say this is words you will understand. YoU ArE A DoOoOoOoOoOuuuuCHHHHeeeeee BaG kid. Im sure your a "grown aZZ man"
I hope your parents find your plants and beat your ass. Go back to school kid.


Active Member
Well then Mr. Grown aZZ man, how is anyone going to take you serious if you TyPe LiKE thIS and call me your "bruh" whatever that means? Sounds like a sound effect from a Neanderthal to me. I'm discouraging you from growing because you will either 1. end up behind bars and 2. give RIU a bad reputation and 3. your actions will negatively impact people around you (ie. your parents). Its foolish underaged individuals (such as you) who give Marijuana users a bad image. You can't even play stealth online to hide your age, nevermind being stealth trying to grow bud. I don't really care if i'm disrespecting you. You can't do anything about it "bruh"

Standing ovation rilly i enjoyed it... Umm well i guess all i can say is i am a 21 year old guy that has more to do then play these games i mean i thought people come here because we all have a common interest (ie mary) and i even tried to divert all of this negitivity but putting it out there that i got off on the wrong foot with you. but if thats how you feel that how you feel. i mean like you say i can't do anything about it and with that said why let someone thats probly 100000000 miles away words bother you.......maybe if we could just smoke a doobee together we would be friends lol :lol:..

ON ANOTHER NOTE.... MY plants are doing GREAT!!! i took them all out of that one pot and have them in individual pots and i'm using some low nute soil for now because they're still young. i have them under 8 cfl's right now and one cool blue floro... and they love it so far thanks for all the POSITIVE input (where the hell am i) your advice did work and it didn't cause my plant any stress at all really they're growing like champs...:-P