First time grow - aus style!

Hey there,

Im a 19 yr old soon-to-be uni student and this is going to be my first time grow after lots of reading and research on my part. Im on the east coast of Australia and plan to put my little babies into the ground in a week or two, depending on their size

The seeds are of an unknown variate, i got them of a mate who collects them from bud he gets, ive been told its a fairly rugged bush weed from out Bathurst way, im hoping its gunna be fairly hardy. I plan on plating it up a mountain, last summer it averaged around 31-34 degrees C maximum temp and never dropping lover that about 25 during the night. Water might be an issue, so im going to mix in some water holding crystals and mulch around the bottom of the plants

Below you should be able to see some attached images, showing my little grow box for the time being. Due to the seeds germinating slower than others, there 2-3 plants with a good headstart on the others, even if its only 3 days. Yes, they are in toilet rolls at the moment but when they get bigger they are to be transferred into larger pots and probably put outside till they can go into the ground.

Im running 20/4 light, using a compact florescent bulb rated at an apparent 17W, i think its a 60W equivalent to a filament bulb. Inside the box it gets up to around 25-28 degrees with the light on and drops a bit low to 21 with it off.

It seems to me that my little plants a growing a bit tall for their age compared to other images of seedlings ive seen, is this an omen? am i going to have towering 3 or 4 meter trees? i hope so :mrgreen:

This is my first grow and im a tad bit excited but not really expecting too much due to my inexperience and not knowing what the seeds are like, all i want is a bit of home grown bud for the satisfaction of growing my own and sticking it to the man!



iluv r3dtub3

New Member
man get some more light i would grow them for likr a month inside so your babys wont die of cold and how high is this mountain rofl dont want to put them in 2 high of elivation but sounds like a good idea


Well-Known Member
Good luck mate, looks like you off to a good start. I love the time of year when spring is approaching.

Here's a little inspiration from Cali to get you rev'ed up
Hoping your plants grow like this!

Good luck mate, looks like you off to a good start. I love the time of year when spring is approaching.

Here's a little inspiration from Cali to get you rev'ed up
Hoping your plants grow like this!

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Haha, its your very thread thats inspired me to do it! I was going to wait until i finished uni and moved out of home and do a small inside grow, but figured that i could just do a few outdoor plants to have a go. They look like some nice plants you've got there, hows the knee by the way?

The only issue i can see for me is when it comes to drying and curing, where am i going to do it? Im thinking in the roof of our garage, smell could be an issue. Ill figure it out when i get there

man get some more light i would grow them for likr a month inside so your babys wont die of cold and how high is this mountain rofl dont want to put them in 2 high of elivation but sounds like a good idea
When they get a little bigger im going to put them into another box and run a larger double tube florescent light, it throws out some major light for the size of box im thinking. Once it gets a bit closer to summer cold is not going to be an issue up the mountain, trust me, we had some 45 degree days, 3 in a row! it was crazy, hope the plants are gunna like it, i can see them burning...

And we had a possible fatality today! my pride and joy, tallest of them all, was crushed by the light bulb falling from the top of the box :cry:
The light is now much more firmly secure than before

CHeers all!

toker 101

Looks to me like a little less duration,and alot more wattage is needed.good might try puttin the light a little closer.
The only reason at the moment its 20-4 is due to my job, i get back at 5 in the arvo, turn the light off then back on at 9 when i go to bed. I need to get myself a timer for the box. Im thinking of sticking another light into there, its doable for sure, possibly stick a book or something under the container to raise them up some more.

I went and checked out my grow area today, its perfect after the little prep work i did. Mixed a small amount of good potting mix in with the alright dirt thats there. And a plus is that there is a spring about 20m away, the soil always seems moist even at the height of summer, good thing yes? Could be a problem with root rot?
Added another light to the box today, it brought the temp up another 3-4 degrees just the short time i had it running (no plants in the box, took them out for construction and put in dark place). The plants go back into the box and turning both lights on in an hour, so see what the temp rises too

The apparent fatality isnt so much a fatality it seems. It bent half way up and basically broke off, so i figured (since it would die anyways) that i would trim it off just above the break, re-insert back into the dirt and give it a bit of a water. After putting a bit of a wilt on, it seems to have bounced back and is throwing out its 2nd set of leaves..... so far so good, its just half as tall as before! time will tell if it dies, its probably gunna be a male with my luck!


Well-Known Member
I'm a Aus grower on the eastern coast too, couple of points;

More light now they are so tall because they are stretching looking for light I run my seedings under 5x24watt cfls or 8 36w tubes as you can't really have to much light and fluoro's are cheap, also make sure you get a fan in there so there stalks toughen up we can get some serious winds over the summer months and you don't want them snapping. Also just run 24hrs if you don't have a timer I do and they grow great, and for gods sale make sure you harden them off for a week before putting them outside temps can get crazy (we had 28 degree days in winter).

Most of all good luck.
Yeah theres two lights in there now, it should do for a week or two until i get paid and i can actually afford to put petrol in my car! Ill buy a short 2 tube fluro light to start with and just a small fan from $2 shop. I really have to do all of this on budget at the moment, family issues and the like. I can stick them in the shade by the side of my house for a day or two before i take them to the planting area, i might stake them then even, it does get quite windy
They seem to really like the added light! One of the shorter seedlings has doubled in height since last post! Its also alot warmer in the box how, humidity also seems rather high. Soon ill be moving the taller plants out of the small box and into a taller box to start getting some height into them. Im thinking ill also take them out of the small tubes they are in and put them into larger pots that i have, about 4 inch pots. Im thinking of just leaving them in the tubes and just putting the whole lot into the bigger pot, since its cardboard the water and dirt should break it down so the roots can break through, right? Ill put up some pics next post i make
Well i have some good news and some bad news

good news is that the plants are doing great! Some are up to their 3rd set of leaves and growing strong

the bad news is that i can no longer look after the plants. Family situations and other stuff that i wont talk about here. Im thinking of either planting them in the bush and maybe checking on them every 2 weeks or so OR just ditching the plants into the bin

I really dont want to do either of those, unless someone wants to take them off my hands? they are free, pm if interested i spose