First Time Grow. Are they ready!?

Hey guys, this is my first time grow, I got two females coming right now, one a sativa one a indica, my sativa still has some time left, very few red hairs yet, but with my indica i think there are just a little more than half of the hairs red. do you think it's time to harvest? It's been like 7 weeks almost now. I have some pictures to try and show what they look like. Please help cause i really want to produce the right smoke, i'm gonna try take some trichromes to work tomorrow and look under the microscope to see what they are looking like.

thanks guys


alright thanks, that must mean my other one has like 4 weeks. but for the two weeks on this one, i should keep watering normally for one week right? and then flush for the next week?


Well-Known Member
it all depends bro

some flush for 2 weeks, some for one, some not at all ..

Mainly the reason for sluhing ould be to get rid of all the salt build up and such , + it makes the herb taste better b/c there is relly no chemical taste:)
it all depends bro

some flush for 2 weeks, some for one, some not at all ..

Mainly the reason for sluhing ould be to get rid of all the salt build up and such , + it makes the herb taste better b/c there is relly no chemical taste:)
okay that makes sense, now i've never flushed before and i know your supposed to use a lot of water but afterwards to you water the plants at all that final week? i've also heard of people using the molasses after flushing as well. I use molasses anyways though.


Active Member
okay that makes sense, now i've never flushed before and i know your supposed to use a lot of water but afterwards to you water the plants at all that final week? i've also heard of people using the molasses after flushing as well. I use molasses anyways though.
Has anyone ever seen some science on how or why to flush?
Has anyone ever seen some science on how or why to flush?
I mean i haven't seen any science about it but it makes sense. You've been growing with all these fertz and all which get up into your bud. You don't want that junk it there when you smoke so flushing should get rid of it all, thus making a lot better of a smoke. You know when you smoke that harsh herb? that can be from fertz being in the bud. at least that's how i understand it.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my first time grow, I got two females coming right now, one a sativa one a indica, my sativa still has some time left, very few red hairs yet, but with my indica i think there are just a little more than half of the hairs red. do you think it's time to harvest? It's been like 7 weeks almost now. I have some pictures to try and show what they look like. Please help cause i really want to produce the right smoke, i'm gonna try take some trichromes to work tomorrow and look under the microscope to see what they are looking like.

thanks guys

pic number 2 is ready but you need to flush for atleast a week and then chop her when its darktime bro.
pic number 2 is ready but you need to flush for atleast a week and then chop her when its darktime bro.
yeah i'm thinking about flushing her in the next couple days. Now after i flush do i water at all until i cut her down? and what are people's thoughts on the length of the dark period before cutting her down? i've heard multiple things.
hey another question, do i flush the plant all at once or over the course of a day or so?

also, what are peoples ideas about trimming before or after drying?


Well-Known Member

How: Use 3x the amount your soil container of PURE water , Pour it through your plants soil, Of course this cannot be doitne with speed, using soil or soilless mixes.

Why: To reduce the ammount of nutrients left in the plants leaves and bud. Also removing other things like salt buildup.

Dont water your plants 24-36 hours before you harvest. Helps with drying.

Cut leaves before they dry..... easier.

How: Use 3x the amount your soil container of PURE water , Pour it through your plants soil, Of course this cannot be doitne with speed, using soil or soilless mixes.

Why: To reduce the ammount of nutrients left in the plants leaves and bud. Also removing other things like salt buildup.

Dont water your plants 24-36 hours before you harvest. Helps with drying.

Cut leaves before they dry..... easier.
okay that makes sense to me, the flushing process isn't a really fast one. but would i water at all before that 24-36 hr period of no watering before harvest?


Well-Known Member
Yes you continue regular waterings, with no nutrients. Just the last day or two, dont give her water, let her soil go dry. Then wait till the lights are about to come on and give her the chip chop.

So say you wanna let it go another 2 weeks, give its some nutrients with the next watering, and maybe even the next. Once you've got 7 days left on the plant. Give it a flush( I do it in the bathtub, 3 gallon pots take 9 gallons of water, takes about 10 minutes to get the water through.).
Yes you continue regular waterings, with no nutrients. Just the last day or two, dont give her water, let her soil go dry. Then wait till the lights are about to come on and give her the chip chop.

So say you wanna let it go another 2 weeks, give its some nutrients with the next watering, and maybe even the next. Once you've got 7 days left on the plant. Give it a flush( I do it in the bathtub, 3 gallon pots take 9 gallons of water, takes about 10 minutes to get the water through.).
alright thanks man, that makes a lot more sense now. And i've heard trimming before drying gives a better smoke. is that true?


Active Member

How: Use 3x the amount your soil container of PURE water , Pour it through your plants soil, Of course this cannot be doitne with speed, using soil or soilless mixes.

Why: To reduce the ammount of nutrients left in the plants leaves and bud. Also removing other things like salt buildup.

Dont water your plants 24-36 hours before you harvest. Helps with drying.

Cut leaves before they dry..... easier.
Got science? I (like most people) require more than just second hand info. Googling for facts about flushing just leads to more forum posts and no facts yet.
yeah i agree man, it's really hard to know if what people say is legit or even reasonable. But the flushing actually makes sense. as well as the dark period before drying.

i just fertzd the girl and plan on flushing in a couple days, she's still got some time left on some of the buds.