First Time Grow - Advice Needed

So I decided that my setup was too sloppy so I upgraded a little bit. I even got some before and after pictures. Right now I got 10 23W 6500k CFLs for veg.. I am aiming for having a total of 14 23W CFLs. I just gotta grab 2 more socket splitters and some bulbs.

I am still running into trouble with heat so I am just going to try and wire a computer fan into the side so I can get some hot air ventilation:fire::fire::fire:

I also just ordered some seeds from Attitude so I hope those get here soon.



Well-Known Member
Dude you got a fan blowing on ur babies? The stalks are looking real knobbly I would recomend getting some good airflow and movement to the stalk to bulk it up.

I'm subscribed I wanna see how your grow turn out bro.

Check my shit out if you care. It's in my siggy


Well-Known Member
yeah... def get a fan blowing on those stalks... it makes a big diffrence... i noticed a dif in mine after about a week and a half...