First time grow - Advice needed please!


Hi guys,
I'm new here but all the advice I've scoured upon seems really good, so I joined!

As the title suggests, first timer! I think my plants are ok at the mo, but then again I'd never actually SEEN a plant before I jumped in and started, just bought seeds and crossed my fingers....

Now I'm at the point of 3 plants growing ( One Tangerine Dream, Two Blue Cheese (Barneys and Big Bhudda)), with a self made grow area In my spare room, but I think I'm now at the point of needing help from someone who knows what they're doing!

I'm using pretty standard soil, it's miracle grow 'growing', but don't know what's in it!
My lighting is 400wHPS (tried to use MH but couldn't get the bulbs to work)

I'm using no nutrients as of yet, planted the TD about 3 weeks ago, and it seemed to be going really well I thought! Not mega fast, but I put that down to plain soil and water?
Planted the BC's about a week and a half ago, which sprouted really fast but have now slowed after opening their first leaves, still growing though as the first true leaves are popping out.

don't have a temp for the room but just above the plant it's warm on the back if my hand (TD)

finally the thing that brought me here, the leaves on the TD plant have started to fade a little, they were deep and full of green. Now there are lighter green patches on them?
The roots are down at the bottom of the pot, almost through the holes, but I'm planning to re pot it today.

So here's my three plants, and a stripey pic of my light/area.

I think I need to maybe give them something else now, but don't know what.

Any help would be ace :)



Well-Known Member
ok first off welcome to riu. As you stated that the roots are comming out the bottom of the pot and the leafs are yellowing that suggests the plant is root bound/pot bound. You should transplant it into a bigger pot, and i dont know if your soil has any nitrogen in it, but it looks like the pale green one may be hungry. Do you have nutes? if not get some grow/veg nutes and start a light feed like quarter the stated strength. The bc's have most likely slowed as they are focusing on root growth once they've streched their legs a bit they will start to take off.How far away is your light from the top of the plant? It looks a little leggy,when you repot it bury the stem up to in inch under the leaves .Good luck with your grow mate


Well-Known Member
i'd actually disagree and suggest you wait until your seedlings were WELL established before up-potting, ...seedlings are very fragile and a larger pot now would in my opinion be the wrong move.'s a picture of one of my grobro's mothers that has been in the same 9oz cup for almost 2 years.

View attachment 2449727

...btw, the yellowing means your plants are starting to get hungry, you have a growshop nearby or are you limited to what is available at stores like Walmart and Lowes and Home Depot?

here are a few links that changed my life, if you read them maybe they change your life too, and before you waste the next three years like i wasted the first 3 years of my growing.

...this first is to a very simple and very effective feeding regimen.

*The K.I.S.S. Method*

...this next is to a passive form of hydroponics that is about as easy a way to grow as there is, and when you're new, easy is good, you the time to really learn the plant. (this can be done with coco too which is my choice and when and if you decide that this is something you might want to try i can link you to another, coco specific hempy thread)

The Official Hempy Bucket Thread

...and this last is to a style of growing that is the next frontier and maybe the easiest way to yield a gram or more per watt.

Benefits of Vertical Growing

...btw, i didn't actually 'waste' my first 3 years of growing because i learned a LOT, but i'd have progressed far faster and with much less heartache if i'd discovered these three threads a few years sooner.

peace, bozo


Thanks guys, I thought it might have something to do with both those things.

My light is just over 2 feet away from the top of the plant, and I have a fan pointed at the light to keep the thing cool.

I have no grow shops near, some garden centres but I don't know how good the mainstream plant food fares against specific stuff?

How often should I be feeding them? My soil seems to dry really fast after a watering?



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I thought it might have something to do with both those things.

My light is just over 2 feet away from the top of the plant, and I have a fan pointed at the light to keep the thing cool.

I have no grow shops near, some garden centres but I don't know how good the mainstream plant food fares against specific stuff?

How often should I be feeding them? My soil seems to dry really fast after a watering?

as someone so new i'd STRONGLY recommend you thoroughly read those threads i linked to in my first posting,'re still fumbling around trying to learn a way that works and i promise you that what i've given you is an answer to your prayers, ...and i posted the links so you'd be able to learn that yourself rather than just hearing it from me. have no bad habits to unlearn, nor any preconceived ideas to cloud your judgement, you are a blank slate and i'm giving you the winning equation, i promise.

...just go read those threads, if i've not delivered as i promised i'll eat my hat, lol.

btw, there is also a pretty long discussion on hempy growing here by a member named Moebius but i've not read it yet so i can't say how good a thread it is, ...other than to say that it is a long thread which suggests a lot of information so it's almost certainly worth the read.

peace, bozo


Active Member
pull your light right back as far as it goes. To many lumens will smash your babies. As they develope, drop the light accordingly. They are far to young to feed, it is more than likely the light and heat rather than lack of food. Don't worry about ph for now unless ya feeding them vinegar, they wiil be fine. just leave em alone for a week or to and keep the fans blowing.


ok first off welcome to riu. As you stated that the roots are comming out the bottom of the pot and the leafs are yellowing that suggests the plant is root bound/pot bound. You should transplant it into a bigger pot, and i dont know if your soil has any nitrogen in it, but it looks like the pale green one may be hungry. Do you have nutes? if not get some grow/veg nutes and start a light feed like quarter the stated strength. The bc's have most likely slowed as they are focusing on root growth once they've streched their legs a bit they will start to take off.How far away is your light from the top of the plant? It looks a little leggy,when you repot it bury the stem up to in inch under the leaves .Good luck with your grow mate
Followed your advice man, you were bang on! TD was root bound. Nice bit pot, loosened up the roots a little and it's loving it!

also started with nutes in a feed last night after seeing the impact of your first advice!

Nice one!