First time grow - 600w soil indoor

Lady Helena

Active Member
You truly are growing Triffids Cheefbird. I'm gob-smacked.
Mine is pathetic in comparison...

Can not wait to se the ultimate end result!

Lady H x


Seriously. They just won't stop stretching. It's unreal.

The one I have outside has already doubled in size. Not sure if good or bad genetics, considering they're from BC Seeds, but I guess only time will tell.


A couple things happened over the last two months, including finding popped hermie-balls and continued stretching.

Believe it or not they're STILL flowering, and looking like they'll be done this week or next.

I'll post up pics later tonight! Promise!


So when I got home that night, it turns out my camera was on loan to a friend, which slipped my mind.

But when I got the camera back from my friend, sure enough he had broken it. Luckily he had the money for it (2.5k) in hand as well.

I hate taking pics in the grow room with my iphone (prefer using a dSLR with RAW so I can fix the color balance more accurately), so I just didn't.

Anyway, I harvested after about 14 weeks of flower. In the end, the flowers turned out sub-par. I yielded somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 ounces. Of the stuff I've sampled, the smoke isn't too pleasing to taste, but excellently strong.

So, I'm running it all as BHO, as I've got a relatively professional setup for it. I will be taking pictures of the BHO when complete (despite how any of you may feel about it, I personally prefer it to bubble).

Thank you everyone who was following. I'm in the process of tweaking the grow room to avoid the heat and space issues that I encountered throughout the grow. The big change is smaller pots (from 5 to 3 gal smart pots), and I'm also adding some cooling and humidity controls, as the humidity was varying quite a lot throughout the photoperiod.

In similar news, the outdoor plant mentioned in the thread is flowering BEAUTIFULLY outside. It's got my new homie, a praying mantis, guarding it night and day, so pests and have been almost non-existent. I'll have pics of it tonight, along with the Afghan Kush, which is about 1-2 weeks from completion (it was stunted due to lack of light and some general neglect). The AK, however, is looking absolutely COVERED in trics right now, and stinks up a storm, so I'm very much looking forward to it.

Once I've retooled my grow room, I'll be planting 1 Pineapple Krush and 1 California Hashplant, as I have been dying to try these two out.

My final word on BC Seeds Bluetooth (without making hash) is that it's a truly subpar strain. It stretches like crazy, has less than optimal tric coverage, and BOTH plants hermied to shit. I'm well aware that the conditions in my grow room may contribute to this, however having the AK in there and not being victim to the same problems, it makes me think very little of the BC Seeds version of bluetooth (as opposed to the DJ Short variety, that I know is still floating around out there).