First time grow - 600w soil indoor


Hi everyone,
Been lurking for a long time, finally decided to get involved.

About the space:
I'm using a 4x2x5 tent with 1 600w switchable/dimmable light in a cool tube. Ventilation is set up in a pull design, with a small inline 240cfm fan, passive intake. I'm in northeast los angeles so it gets pretty hot during the summer, so heat will be an issue throughout the grow. Prior to moving to this home, I was able to grow a couple plants outside, however our new neighborhood is infested with black walnut and morning glory, so I figured I'd avoid the mess and move indoors.

About the soil:
I was really pretty lazy here. I was going to originally go with a super soil, but I wasted too much time researching after germinating and just didn't plan it out properly. Instead, I went with Fox Farms Ocean Forest, cutting it at about 4:1 with perlite. I realize it may be a bit hot for these plants, but they've survived thus far.

About the strain(s):
Right now I've got two plants. They were both from a seedbank that I had ordered from a couple years ago, so I wasn't even expecting these to sprout. They did, and seem to be doing alright, so I'll be basically growing them as a pilot program for some OG Kush and California Hasplant that I have coming from Dinafem shortly. The little vial (small, clear plastic with rice to pad seeds) they came in said "BLUT" so if anyone has insight, feel free to let me know. I also had 2 boss hogg seeds that sprouted, but they quickly died when I was away for a day. I have a feeling I contaminated them with some nasty cleaning agent by accident (residue in spray bottle) so I derped on those guys.


I'll be back with more pics in a couple days. Let me know thoughts or if you have any tips/info/suggestions.


Day 19ish.

So it's been 4 days since I posted, but a week since I've taken pictures, so I've gota quite a few to share. Also, while it's super early, I may be seeing some sexing going on, so maybe someone can chime in and let me know if my thinking isn't too far off.

At this point I'm still just feeding them PH'd water, as the FFOF is still loaded at this point with everything I would need. i've got fairly hard water here in LA (with really high PH) that I don't think needs supplementing with Cal/Mg but I'm still on the look out. Let me know if this is something I should be adding.

So here's the setup and the two plants:

Here are some closeups of the nodes. If I wasn't looking to veg these simply for the cuttings, I'd probably top the left one for the 4 cola method just to try it out. Left plant has some slightly more ball-shaped nodules at the nodes, but I'm not too worried at the moment, they're still super tiny.

Now while I was taking the closeups of the right plant, I noticed what looked like little hairs, so I had to get in closer with my macro lens/dslr and see if I could get a clearer shot. Dunno how it worked out, but if anyone thinks this looks female, I'd love to hear it (obviously very early in the process so I'm not holding my breath).


Hey Aim-

Thanks for the link, that looks like a great setup. Great lookin gals!

In other news, I finally had time to sit down and research the beans, and I strongly believe them to be Blue Tooth, by BC Seeds.


So last night I became slightly more convinced that the left plant is female. If theyre both female, I'm gonna have to take cuttings from both and watch them in flower for which to keep.

Plant on the left has grown a much thicker, sturdier base, while the right plant seems to be growing slightly faster in general. It's a possibility that the left plant received more direct fan action, giving it more base and less growth?

Either way, theyre both doing fabulous and I'll post some more pics when I get home tonight.

I've sprouted an Afghan Kush fem seed from World of Seeds (attitude promo) that I'll have a go with and will eventually show some pictures of.


So it's been a couple days, figured I'd post some pics and an update.

First, I've sprouted a new bean, a freebie from Attitude this month. By World of Seeds, it's Afghan Kush (fem):
When it comes down to it, for me, nothing beats a heavy kush for after work. Well, heavy Kush, a nice scotch, and a good book. I still have quite a few seeds on deck, but I'll save them for later.
I'm a bit short on room, with these 2 Blue Tooth (BT) being in 5 gal smart pots, I'm probably not gonna have room when it comes time to flower for more than 1 more (if that). Speaking of room, here's a wide pic of the basic setup I'm running

Humidity is a bit high at the moment, or my meter is just way off (after further research on amazon, many people report problems with the humidity readings this unit spits out - buy a new one when I can).

In other news, I went ahead and topped the plant on the left. It was growing slightly faster than the plant on the right, so I figured "what the hell" and just went for it. I'll be taking cuttings from both prior to flower, so I'm willing to experiment a bit. Here are some closeups of the new tops growing.


Lastly, here's some closer shots of the plant on the right. This one's got a slightly weaker stem and some markings appearing on the leaves, so I'm leaning towards the right plant for mothering.

That's all for today. As always, feel free to drop a line and say whats up, or if you have any suggestions/recommendations, I'm all ears.


Day 29

These plants have really taken off!! I was out of town over the long weekend and gave them a nice quarter strength dose of FF Big Bloom and Grow Big in about 2 gallons for each. When I got back, they had really exploded with growth!

The left plant was topped, and now appears to have 4 very nice main calyx's, possibly 6. Plant on the right has not been topped, and I will likely be taking clones from both tomorrow. I am going to take the clones at day 30 and let them both veg a couple days more before making the flip. Today they had about a gallon each of pH'd water and I'll resume feeding them in 2 days most likely.


Here's the Afghani Kush plant from World of Seeds. She seems to be doing well.

I'll be back with more pics in a couple days.


thanks for stopping by!

These are under a 600w MH during Veg, and a 600w HPS during flower (just flipped to 12/12 today and swapped the HPS bulb in). The ballast is from iPower, got it cheap on amazon and has done me right so far.


Alright so we're into flower, day 2.

On tuesday I cut 4 clones, 2 from each plant, and then swapped bulbs and set timers to 12/12. We're on day 2 now and things are looking good.

I'm up to 1/2 strength nutes as the soil is still moderately fresh and they both seem to be liking it. Seeing little growth spurts after feedings and more grow tips are making it out of the lower canopy.

The afghani kush seedling is doing very well. I'm most likely going to just rock it 12/12 from seed as it's a freebie and I figure a good strain to see how it goes.

Here's the pics:



Well-Known Member
You should love the AK by wos man. I grew it last year it's now one of my favs. I passed cuts onto a friend he loved it too.
plants look great and happy mate


You should love the AK by wos man. I grew it last year it's now one of my favs. I passed cuts onto a friend he loved it too.
plants look great and happy mate
She is a super fast grower, can take any kind of beating - last night she tipped over in her pot and when I found her this morning, had turned 90 degrees to grow upwards like a boss. Very much looking forward to her. Glad to hear it's an epic one!

And thanks for stopping by everyone!


Well-Known Member
plants are lookin good man, Im actually smokin on some blue tooth right now! small world. Its got a crazy smell I cant seem to describe and a good mellow high. Ill be checking back in for that afghan kush...I got the same freebies from attitude


Haha no way! If you have any nice pics of the nugs, I'd love to check em out here, just for comparison down the line.

And thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
sure is afghan kush one of the best plants iv growen,there disease resistant to some things and strong as feck lol defo going to run it again,tight rock hard nugs