First Time for fun, with CHEAP set up. [Thoughts Welcome]


Hello everyone, totally stumbled onto this site while reading on how to grow, making compost bins etc. Boredom of being unemployed in a do nothing town. And I like to write so I tend to go off when I type. I conveniently bolded the hot points for those who wanna skim through. Thanks!!

SO anyway, the story goes I got a bag :leaf: and found a seed. I've always talked about trying to grow with my buddies for fun, experiment and such. So this one little seed I decided to wing it with in the middle of the night. My supplies are EXTREMELY limited. And I do mean EXTREMELY lol. So here is my set up. Hell I'll even include pictures. This is just for fun if my baby dies or not lol.

GOAL: One small, personal, (crosses fingers) female plant.

So my supplies are of this. I took an old pot of soil thats been sitting in my kitchen window for god knows how long and moistened it back up. Jacked some soil from my neighbor a couple nights ago out of his garden. Hes one of those hardcore gardeners. And took a couple of old baby wipe containers for my potting. And some gravel out of my drive way. Been also using Tap Water which i've let sit out for days. And I have a small compost bin started outside for free soil lol.

Anyway, I germinated just fine. Threw the seed in a moist paper towel in a night it was sprouted. let it go an extra night to get a little longer. Once I got there I realized I had no supplies. Took 2 baby wipe containers scrubbed them down to clean them. stabbed countless holes in the bottom of one and placed it inside the other [For Draining purposes]
I ran the gravel under hot water to get whatever may be on them off. and placed them in for the bottom layer, then I literally hand picked through my neighbors soil. Literally from his garden so took out moss, plant pieces, roots etc. And ran it also under hot water and made it my second layer. And yes I know old soil is a BIG no, because of parasites, weeds, etc. But like I said just for fun, im poor and kind of just a hopeful experiment. And also a quick side note, I'm using water in milk jugs from the tap. That I let sit out to kill the chlorine. However when I rinsed the rocks and dampened the soil I spaced it and used pure tap water. Didn't seem to kill my plant nor hurt it.
Then finally after a moist second layer, I took the old soil the kind with the small white stones. which was home to, rest its poor lil soul, a peppermint plant. which nicely still smelled good lol. Picked out all the old pieces, and placed it on as a dry second layer. got it a little moist but it stayed mainly damp and fluffy. And there we have my set up. I dropped my little seedling in and waited a day. Noticed the stem growing and was quite pleased!
Took it out because I thought it died. to my suprise there was a darker stem at the end and it was still growing! Yay! lol.
SO that lil guy sat in my closet in the dark beyond the countless times me pulling it out to, in my eyes pamper it, don't judge me monkey. lol. But it none the less sprouted and I now have my little baby seedling. the casing hung off the leaf I gave it a small tug and pulled a lil residue back. put some water on it and it came off easy.
And now for my final set up on lighting. unfortunately what money I do get goes else where than buying lights. and proper grow station. I have a lamp light, its one of those swirly florescent lights and a basic lamp stand. I have it tilted over and held up with a coolwhip container which I cut the bottom off of. To make a dull white dome that stands safely over my plant.
And thus is where I am currently sitting. My plants stem is basically white, with a hue of pink right before the leaf sprouts and seems small hairs or fuzz around the stem aswell. the leaf sprouts still together, but are a yellowish green. Signs I'm believing are to say my plant is growing fine?

As for my potting situation I don't want a big plant at all, just probably a little maybe one foot including the pot to snip a little off to smoke here and there you know? Anyway I'll get pictures here in a bit to show you what i've done. and where I currently am. Any feed back helps. And those who wanna bash, go ahead. I'm new at this and didn't think I'd get this far with my set up lol. But its goin and im quite pleased :)


Q) DARK SPOTS?? I noticed when the casing was still hanging on to one side of the seedling. after it fell off there is a darkish coating on one of the leafs. They're not seperated yet. but I uploaded some pics.

A) Thanks bongmarley2009: This is normal due to where the casing was attached.



Well-Known Member
What watt is Ur CFL? Should be 23 watt 6500 Kelvin for vegging... Also the fuzz could be a little "mildew" do not know if its normal but most of mine had it so I took off the dome and it went away and all has been well.

LoL I think the first time should be fun and cheap! I think U will do awesome! Just be careful with this board, it will get U wanting to spend $$ Check out this thread Now I am thinking about 1000 watt HPS LoL



I get a feeling it will be a very cared for and very succesfull plant :D And I skimmed trough lol
I'm hoping so lol. Its my first one so I'm not gonna be overly hopeful on it. But I figured I can read all day long about how, but unless I just wing it and try I'll never really understand. So heres to understanding :D


What watt is Ur CFL? Should be 23 watt 6500 Kelvin for vegging... Also the fuzz could be a little "mildew" do not know if its normal but most of mine had it so I took off the dome and it went away and all has been well.

LoL I think the first time should be fun and cheap! I think U will do awesome! Just be careful with this board, it will get U wanting to spend $$ Check out this thread Now I am thinking about 1000 watt HPS LoL

VERY nice! I'm quite jealous! haha. Well my light is only 13W it says, no idea how to figure out the kelvin or anything. Honestly I found a seed in a bag, and pretty much what it said just on a whim decided to try. lol.
But I read somewhere about someone getting their plant to grow with their IPhone.... lol. So yea. just using what I got until I can get something a little better. But $$ is tight, and what I do get I spoil on my lil man. so yea. lol. And I figured the fuzz was just a little protection, baby fuzz or somethin. But yepp, my set up is very rigged all about the TLC right now! ha. Its already been fun to actually see it verse read it. I did a big no no cuz I didn't think my seed was rooting. and I pulled it up and got to see the roots. It was cool. Its pretty interesting. And waking up to it growing out of the soil its like Xmas every day lol!

I DO have one of those metal dome things for lights. The ones that look like dog cones. to stop them from biting themselves. But not really sure about the lighting yet. still learning. I need to just really stay small, simple, and cheap. I live with fam. So I have to be a bit conservative about my project. lol.


you should get a better cfl bulb and youl be good until its around 1 1/2 month old
Yea I plan on it. Literally germinated bout 4 days ago? Kind of threw shit together to make a small growing station. Everything I'm using has been sittin around the house. Or my neighbors yard... lol! But yea. I'm tryin to figure out the best SMALL light for a single growth. and I keep reading like 24/0 and 12/12 which is obviously hours but still tryin to figure out how much light my lil girl needs. Hopefully a lil girl anyway.....


Well-Known Member
Yea I plan on it. Literally germinated bout 4 days ago? Kind of threw shit together to make a small growing station. Everything I'm using has been sittin around the house. Or my neighbors yard... lol! But yea. I'm tryin to figure out the best SMALL light for a single growth. and I keep reading like 24/0 and 12/12 which is obviously hours but still tryin to figure out how much light my lil girl needs. Hopefully a lil girl anyway.....
A 23watt CFL is the same size roughly as a 13w. Usually about $1 to $3 Walmart has em on sale for .92 a pc. On the lower part of the package look for Lumens (should say 1700) then Kelvins (should get 6500 for vegging but if U cant find it I did this entire veg with 2700s)

Hope it helps... BTW If u want lots of different answers from lots of people I have found that offering reputation points really helps! (The star under the Avatars)



A 23watt CFL is the same size roughly as a 13w. Usually about $1 to $3 Walmart has em on sale for .92 a pc. On the lower part of the package look for Lumens (should say 1700) then Kelvins (should get 6500 for vegging but if U cant find it I did this entire veg with 2700s)

Hope it helps... BTW If u want lots of different answers from lots of people I have found that offering reputation points really helps! (The star under the Avatars)

Yea thanks again. I'll have to keep an eye out for bulbs. Quite possibly may have to wait til I find more seeds. My setup got knocked over by the cat, So I just moved it into a smaller cup kind of deal but the roots came bare, not sure if they were damaged hope not. Guess I'll find out tomorrow if its still growing or not. And yea thanks didn't know bout the rep system. I went back and repped a few people now.

OH and im going to be house sitting for a week, and the owner happens to be a cop... ha. So its not like I'll be able to bring my lil seedling along. Sigh.


What's the straw for?
Habit lol. Growing up my dad always had a garden. I usually stuck somethin lined up with my seed so I knew where the seedlings would be poping out. I'll be getting some new pics up today sometime. For those who wanna follow a first grow.