First Time Flowering - Week 4 Progress/Any Tips?


Hello everybody, it has been 4 weeks of flowering starting on 5 and this is my current grow. TGA Jillybean, says allow 8 weeks for harvest so I should be halfway through? Some leaves have peppered yellow spots but over the days it hasn't appeared to get worse, some of the bottom leaves are already starting to die off. Just wanted to make sure everything looks normal so far. And wondering if you guys/girls got any tips for flowering in the future THANKS!

Height: 5 ft
Strain: TGA Jillybean Hybrid
Light: 250 WATT HPS 12/12
Water: Every other day along with Foxfarm Big Bloom Fertilizer General Feeding (slightly watered down)

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Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Are you feeding every time u water? If so you are feeding to much.... the most you should be feeding is every other time.... So water,feed,water,feed. And can you take a pic of the plant as a whole plz .... do you a just your ph?


Are you feeding every time u water? If so you are feeding to much.... the most you should be feeding is every other time.... So water,feed,water,feed. And can you take a pic of the plant as a whole plz .... do you a just your ph?
My PH isn't adjusted because it comes from my well with correct PH, and i am watering every other day with the water feed water feed.

Ford Racing

Well-Known Member
Add pk 13-14 now. Also start adding molasses with every watering even with nutes. You will be glad you did!!