first time effort in south west france


Hi everyone i am having a go this year in france, i spend about one week per month over there and they have a good spring and summer,i planted 2 early misty seeds out side in pots 20 days ago before i left, temperature was 20C that week, since then it has rained a few times and this weeks temp is 24C, i am going back over in 2 weeks and cant wait to see if they have come up, i will also be planting a few more seeds in april and may,but i am at the mercy of the weather as not there all the time and cant ask anyone to come into the garden to water, i plan to transplant them into the ground as i have a long overgrown hedge which i want to plant them against,they will be hidden from the road by the hedge which is about 2.5 - 3.5M high and thick, i understand early misty grow to about 70cm so will be well hidden and in the sun for 7-8 hours in the summer, temp there is 30-38C for june,july and august.i plan to use slug pellets around them when they have been planted,while i am over i will water at night, does anyone have any tips for me.i will post some pics as soon as one comes up also of the hedge.


Well-Known Member
.... leaving plants alone for such long periods of time....... you could be in for a lot of disappointment..........but I hope you somehow Succeed despite the odds!


Active Member
if theyre sitting outside, they really at least need water if not food by 20 days. but if you go back and your lucky then harry potter you are a wizard!!


hi thanks for the advice about a drip feed i will look into that, drought is the problem, even though i have been away 20 days it has rained there 2 or 3 times according to the meteofrance. maybe they have come up,


hi i came back this week and the 2 seeds have popped up they are about 3 inches high now, i have planted 8 more seeds in pots and hope they all come up as well, the weather forecast shows rain and showers for at least 10 days so they should be ok, the 2 plants are the same breed early misty but they look completely different one is very wide and deep green leaves the other paler and spindly,i have taken pics and will try to post them here,the 2 plants will be placed in different parts of the garden to stop any polenation, it is my first grow and i am wondering at about what height the plants get to before showing their gender,i am leaving this weekend and will return in 3-4 weeks and hopefully these 2 will have grown and the others will have popped up,



hi when i leave this weekend the watering will be up to the weather,
bad news i hit one with the strimmer, feel so stupid, but it was the weaker one and i have planted 8 more seeds this week so maybe i will be ok its only april, terrible weather here this week too much rain,


hi i am back in the garden and the one i accidently cut done is finished but the other one is looking good, a few bits of the leaves have been eaten by insects but not too bad, of the 8 seeds i planted a month ago only 2 have come up but they are already 6 inches high, the other 6 pots i will cover with clear polythene to raise the temperature this week and try to get them up, the original plant that i planted 2 months ago is ready to come out of the pot and be planted in the ground it is still short about 12 or 16 inches and i dont think it will grow too much higher so will be easy to hide, i will put some pics up of it and the 2 new recruits in a day or so,


thanks for the tip but rivers are very popular with walkers around here and half of these french like a puff so they would spot it, there has been plenty of rain so far this year so i will just have to keep my fingers crossed,