First time DWC setup...


Active Member
So i just got most of everything i ordered and i ordered a few wrong things...I was going to do 4 DWC bubble buckets. Ordered 3.2g buckets with covers with 8" net pots (huge). 1 gallon of water puts it exactly at the bottom of the net pot. I think I'm going to make a res and circulate the water to keep temps down and a balanced system. I also need to work on my temp problem and humidity. Currently at 84F and about 20% humidity. I have a small humidifier in there but it doesn't see to be doing much. I hoping that when the temp drops it will keep better humidity. I will get some pictures soon, i can't remember where i put the charger?!


Well-Known Member
do u have plants in you grow room already?

if not, there are things like humidity domes you can buy/make to give baby plants a little more humidity in their early stages of development.


Active Member
Is there anything i can make a humidity dome at home? I tried a tupperware container it brought the humidity up a couple percent but then it got hotter inside the container and went back down to 20. There are 4 plants in here starting to sprout. I need to get a duct fan and try to pull some of that heat from the 400w MH. Any suggestions welcome. I took a pic i just need to resize it. Thanks


Active Member
I've got a closet DWC system with 400hps with CO2(champagne yeast) added and I was wondering what the optimal temp and RH would be.. thanks in advance :)



Active Member
I am using a dwc system 430w hps, I have been runnin nighttime temps @ about 68 and daytime around 75. humidity unfortunately has been a problem fluctuating from 30 to 55 percent. but everything is doing really well. This is my first grow so I don't have anything to compare it to. growth is steady, no plant sickness so I guess it is good though.



Active Member
My plants are 10 days old and all different sizes, 3 look good but ones small , med , and large and then there is a smaller one that is a little darker green growing really small with smaller darker leaves looking like someone magically crumpled the leaves and tried to fix them the best they could. I still have yet to find my camera charger. My night temp is 65-67 and my daytime temp is 85-87 with a 400W MH at about 28". Humidity 20-25%. They're in 3.2 g buckets with 1g in each res. with a 8" airstone in each on a single airpump. GH Nutes, ph 5.8ish