first time DWC is this nute burn?


Well-Known Member
So this is my first dwc grow, it was all going so well...almost to well until last sunday I do my weekly water change and clean out, 3 days later this happened over night, 1day shes perfect next day this.20140723_180552.jpg20140723_180636.jpg 20140723_180617.jpg 20140723_181720.jpg
Information is as important as the pictures. First start with checking your ph, then your ppm. As well you should note temperature.


Well-Known Member
Information is as important as the pictures. First start with checking your ph, then your ppm. As well you should note temperature.
ph I
is 5.6 but but it creeps up to 6.5 throughout the week so I just drop it down again, ppm not a clue mistake I know....same with water temps


Well-Known Member
And are you using RO water? Cuz to me, that looks more like a possible cal/mag deficiency than nute burn. The nute burn I'm familiar with (and boy am I familiar with that asshole "Nute" starts at the edges/tips of leaves and is much more pronounced. Hence the term "burn"

Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
ph I
is 5.6 but but it creeps up to 6.5 throughout the week so I just drop it down again, ppm not a clue mistake I know....same with water temps

PH will creep up as the plant uses nutrients, as it should. I change my water every 3rd or 4th day. I only check PH when I mix my nutes. Set it and forget it, don't worry about it. On top of that, not every single leaf will grow in perfect.

Also heat, don't worry about RO water. Get yourself a good Hanna meter PH/TD/EC meter.

Looks like you might have a little nute burn going on. The leaves are VERY plush a little TO plush....

Cal-Mag is more of a flowering deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Im using tap water I leave it 24 hours and then bubble for a hour,damn you throwing calmag into the scene I was puzzled between calmag or nute burn...
The only thing that put me of calmag def is this happened in 8 hours...and calmag been a flowering def but I have never ran hydro so I wasnt sure....ido need a good ec pen...hmm wat to do