First Time Closet Grow 3 at the mo PICs


Well-Known Member
HI all,

its been a few day now, and well been working on the room and trying to buy things that are needed,

Im using a Hydro system well home made home gose well,,

worryed about whn i should start using nutes and how to feed at the momment im spraying for now but if i can pour on then let it drain out?

there all in rockwool, Pics

soz on my crapy phone,



Well-Known Member
So far so good, I think once you get those seedling past their first set of leaves you can move you light about 1 1/2 - 3 inches away, depending on how hot your room is. CFL's don't really put out too much heat, but the ones your using are not average CFL's, they are a little bigger so heat might build up quicker (no experience with those, only regular CFL's) But in general you can keep CFL's very close with little to no heat burn... As far as when to feed them (add nutrients) I would wait till atleast your 2nd week, seedling do not respond well to nutes, but if they are looking a little starved (dis-colored) then i would feed with 1/4 strength nutes...

Thats my 2 cents, hope it helps....


Well-Known Member
helps a lot dude thanx, so for now just keep spraying? or pouring ? spraying at the mo,

5.8-6 ph water for 2weeks as u said yea,


Well-Known Member
Really foliage feed (spraying) isn't too great for seedling, you want to make the plant develop a root system... if you are giving it water though it leaves its not being forced to develop a healthy root system. Granted you are not going to hurt it by spraying, but its a good idea to hold off and just water the medium to promote a good root system.

Either way the plants gonna grow, if you give it light, air and water, it will grow. Just how good it grows depends on how you manage those 3 things....


Well-Known Member
better pics now , and would like sum advise on the leaves, they look fine and health just they dont to me, plz let me knw thnx,

At the moment all im doing is watering in the morning and evening poor the water till come thro the rockwool, and spray the leave maybe 3-4times thro the day, all the water i use,

10ml, formulax per ltr, in the water and spray, and ph is 5.8ish, dont have digital ph meter,



Well-Known Member
started on nutes today, 1.1ml to a ltr,, was getting worrying seems to have help in my eyes lol and way ,, thanx for the help guys,,

one things tho, in my first pic the tips on this plant have went a bit yellow is this anything to worry bout,, but wee yellowish befor nutes hoping maybe will help it out. any way

any comments , thanx



Well-Known Member
well hello all, iv just got a new light ,, changed from 150w envorogrow light CFL , and now im using grolux 600w , any the heat is annoying as hell, hate it so much lol,, been trying for 2 days 2 sort it out, fucken fuken bitch ass mother fuken shit, hate it so,,

any way , i will keep going see wht happens plants are ok ,, looked better to me the leaves started to droop but may be normal whn new 1nc are coming thro,, some pics thanx every 1 for the help,,



Well-Known Member
My last pic of may last plant befor was destroyed like the other 3 NOOOOO!!! any way got over in only took a week,,,, any way hope to start again in a few mnths or so,, we'll see ,, thnx to all for ur help ,,

Any nice words would be aprricated lol and comments please do,, make me feel better :P any way thanx again,,

will keep reading and helping others ,, keep learning for next grow YAY!!




Well-Known Member
Hello all,,,,

This is my second attempt and hope to get a smoke outa this grow,,,

its only been 2 1/2 weeks thort it was longer but ay,,,

had sum problems ,, but now settling down and growing at at nice pace,,

sum pics for you alll ,, and thorts welcome and thanks all,,


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
My last pic of may last plant befor was destroyed like the other 3 NOOOOO!!! any way got over in only took a week,,,, any way hope to start again in a few mnths or so,, we'll see ,, thnx to all for ur help ,,

Any nice words would be aprricated lol and comments please do,, make me feel better :P any way thanx again,,

will keep reading and helping others ,, keep learning for next grow YAY!!

Karma, bitch! Why would you wanna disrespect ME?!? You little piss