First-time Closet CFL Grow


Appreciate it...About an hour ago I took the 2 worst looking seedlings and transplanted them back into the same pots, but with mixed soil (Soil from the backyard:Miracle-Gro Organic Choice about 1:1) I'm going to keep an eye on all of their progress and see if the decrease in nutrients helps the growth.


Active Member
Hey Stuggz, you get a PH meter yet? I don't have one myself. I haven't had a real need for it yet. But like P7 said, ditch the MG if you can. That stuff sucks. I used it on my first ever grow, and the plants grew for squat. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest now, and it's the bomb. Granted, it's a bit expensive, but worth every penny I think. Make sure you are not putting any nutes in there right now, because MG has time released nutes, at least most MG does, and it will harm your plants. Too much of a good thing is bad lol. Make sure your lights are 1 to 2 inches away from the tops of the plants, IF they are cfl's. And using a mixed spectrum of 6500K and 2700K is good. For veg stage, use more 6500's than 2700, by double. LIke 4 65, and 2 27. Somethign along those lines. You don't want the lights too far away because then your plants will stretch to the light, and it won't be good. I learned that the hard way my first ever grow. I can show u pics of it sometime if u want, they were all spindly lol.
Anyway, I have been learning alot, so if you have any questions, keep posting them, and I know evreyone here at RIU will be happy to assist!


Active Member
Can I holla atcha, can I holla atcha, can I holla holla holla, holla holla holla holla atcha...did you hear me I said can I holla atcha!!!!! Did you get that from Dave Chapelle??

Anyway sub'd up.


Lol, yea definitely from Chapelle's show...haven't got a pH meter yet, but the good news is the plants all look like theyre getting ready to croak so I probably won't have to worry about it...REAL gay. Anyways, we're setting up another grow in the coming week sometime, with a 40 dollar bag of really good soil from the local hydro store. I'm NOT letting these last 3-4 seeds get messed up, this was a total bust. Oh, and I blame it entirely on the Miracle-Gro...there's nothing else I can see that woudl have had any negative affect.


Well-Known Member
I agree.....Miracle gro is FAR from a miracle! Good luck with your seedlings as well as your next grow to come.


They're all torn down..germinated & started some headies bagseed (4) but in a week we'll be starting a whole new op