First Time CFL Grow, Going to need some help!!!


New Member
So, basically i have source some "said to be decent" seeds from a guy i know and the pictures he sent me of his plants seemed alright and the buds looked good, so i took some, germed and planted a few seeds, and im now about 2 weeks into my first ever grow, im using 2 85w CFL lights at 5500k, regular tap water and no nutes at this stage. a mixture of an organic potting soil and perlite is my medium.

The seeds all germed within 2 days using the paper towel method and then were planted straight after. The 3 plants have sprouted although i believe do not look very healthy at this stage, i had a mishap with my light timer and it was left on causing some burn, also i have change my lights from hanging vertically to a horizontally mounted setup.

To keep things easy, im going to name the 3 plants the name of the cups they have been planted in:
Iced Tea
Mountain Dew
Aloe Vera

My main questions at this stage, are;
1. Is the burn on the plants most likely just from the light mishap? and should it recover providing no further mistakes are made, otherwise, what else would it be?
2. One of the plants' leaves is very droopy and the other two seem to be pointing towards the sky almost, you'll see in pictures.

Thanks guys, i hope some of you come along for the journey and hopefully more in the future, i will post some pics to aid my questions and overview and will keep any watchers posted :) Thanks

1. The droopy plant (Mountain Dew)
2. Second shot of droopy plant (Mountain Dew)
3. Shot of Iced Tea
4. Side shot of Iced Tea
5. Aloe Vera burn shot
6. Iced Tea burn shot
7. Initial Setup(when the timer fail occured)
8. Most Recent shot 15/09/15 (creation date of this post)
9. New setup for lights, and added a small fan to blow some air around the room
10. 2x 85w 5500k CFL Lightbulbs mounted inside a small plastic basin

If there's anything ive missed or if you guys have any questions just let me know :))) im keen to start interacting with some of you guys :)

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg


Hey man, your lights seem far enough away that it wouldn't cause burns, I'm thinking its lack of nutrients maybe, some sort of deficiency. As far as the droopy leaves that's usually a sign of over watering or under watering how much are you giving them?


New Member
Hey guys, thanks for the replies, yeah, i have kinda ruled out the lights due to my hand feeling little to no heat almost touching the bulb.
In terms of watering, ive basically been doing it on a feel/look basis, if the soil is wet about an inch or 2 down, leave it, if its dry, feed it well and leave it until dry again.
As for the soil, its just a regular all round potting soil, i dont believe it has any slow release ferts or anything like that, pretty much just straight up basic potting mix, with some perlite.

One thing, is temperature, it may be a little too cold where im living, im picking up a temp gauge soon, but not sure if that will affect or not.
Just a quick question also, they have been out of the ground from seeds for about 2 weeks now, ive seen a few different grows, i feel like mine are lagging behind a whole bunch, would i be correct in assuming this?

not super sure? what do you think?


New Member
Regular all around potting soil may be your problem. I would look closely at that for starters.
ok, sounds good, i can go get some new soil and germ some more seeds, would you recommend that + scrapping this lot? they don't really seem to be progressing very fast at all.
also, What soil would you recommend?? im in Australia, so some foreign soils may not be available where i live.


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with my first grow. The soil was too rich for small seedlings. My plants turned out fine, it just took awhile for them to get large enough to handle the soil.

If you can transplant them into different soil and if you are willing to wait for them to recover. they should do fine. Look for something basic with very little added nutrients. You can always add nutrients when the plants need them but it is much harder to grow seedlings in soil designed for full size plants.

See if you can find some dolemite lime (garden lime). Lime is important when growing in soil.