First Time CFL Grow -Big Bud-

Yeah, I was thinking that also, or at least something to do with it...I was talking with a friend and he say's this is normal for the bottom leaves after some age and die off....So not going to sweat it to much ;)
Hey All, I decided to add some more CFL's since we will be in the flowering stage soon, Have a total of 12 - 26W & 4 - 40W 2700K with a couple mix 6500K

Leaves are looking better, I beleive I did overwater some last week but now just a couple on the bottom that are turning.


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think im chirping...crickets..chirp maybe another chrip..cough chrip coughchripppahhh Hehhe, things are looking well! full strenght nutes tonight, Pics to come this weelend...if not sooner
I decided to give this stuff a shot for a few days, and hopefully we will see results really showing what is going on? Reccomended by a shop to help cure the yellow leafs..
Technaflora MagiCal...Wish us luck..


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dont fry it with nutes man--ive made that mistake a time or two...

Yeah, I did Get slight nute burn trying new nutes....I flushed them today with stright distilled water..I have decided since I am using MG for this grow going to very carefull with what nutes are added since soil is time relaeased. I know MG soil can have a good outcome, just as long as everything is in place for what the girls are showing.. Only going to feed with just water for 2 weeks then take a slow approch from there, Thanks......Get some pic's up tommaro.
Looks good, I'm going to have to order some big bud, I couldn't believe the size of the buds I've seen some people get off these plants & they are still pretty good smoke from what I hear... + rep, lookin good!
Sup....everyone few updates here, 1 week into flower and they are getting tall....=) I tryed some of the nutes above, in rsult of slight nute burn so gonna leave this stuff be for awhile. Still some signs of yellowing on the bottom leafs but just going to feed lightly coming into flower and hope for the best...I thought it was a N issues but with the Magical after a few days no difference? check em out let me know what whatca think.....


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There looking really good bro, I wouldn't worry to much about the bottom leaves yellowing. It could be that there not getting enough light on the lower leaves. Either way I wouldn't stress it, plants look healthy!
Thanks, I am hoping is normal for the lower leafs to show these signs...thanks for the support I did some triming on the bottom alittle here is a pic from one.


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Here is stubby, I topped just once thought this was cool....;) I may also try LST next grow enjoying all the learning here.


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hey man beautiful looking big bud. I just finished one out, well actually shes still going i harvested half of her though and got 75grams dry. she puts out a lot. Swing by my journal and check it out if ya got the time.Great grow though keep it up man. I had the same problem with the leaves too. i just fed them more, it took a while but it stopped.
To my surprise today, 36 days into it, I wish I knew what happend here but this might be the end of my first grow...?? just besides myself right now:o She was watered two days ago...I must of flushed incorrectly over the weekend,,,This Sucks!


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let her dry out man the only thing i can see or tell you is that you may have over watered it. Dont give up just yet. Big bud is very forgiving. keep me updated man. just for kicks the temps arent to high in there right
thanks, damn a scare chill right now....though..=) I thought the exact same thing that I over watered them when I did a flush but to my surprize the pots where very light just after two days? I have been watering 2-3 days reugular. I feed alot of water tonight (Fiugured if they where overwatered it wasn't going to make a difference at this point) So far they have perked back up, had to tie them up some to help.. I wonder why they dired out so quick this time? temp (80-82 is the same) They forsure where more thirsty today for some reason..Anyway going to be watching more closely a few times a day now...There harder to read then a women... ;)
Haha true dat man. I had a plant on the grow b4 this one and one day it just was leaning over. Like the branches felt kind of like spaghetti and it was all of em. Never could find out what happend to that plant. Ended up a male.
Appreciate the support dude, I was gettting ready to start germ'in the rest of the 10 pack.....Tommaro will see how things are looking, oh yah believe you told me before how much total where you using with your CFL's? Im around 31K Lumens right under 500W if I remember correctly.
Hey everyone, 1 out of 3 showed to be Male so far...=( I removed it outside tonight. My worrie is the other 2 as I think Im seeing sacks not pistols....will know in the morning.. well no matter the turnout I have learned much with my first grow here...and gratefull for the help along the way to have sub'ed and replied...Now looking back from where I got the seeds..I never specifed ferminized seeds ? when ordered...Was this a mistake instead of a 50/50 chance? I did not go through Nirvana OR Attiude but probley will next grow round...


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