first time cfl attic grow going on


OK so I'm new to this stuff and I posted once before but I guess this one is the official thread. I have an attic grow with all cfl that I am doing and I just finished the bulk of the work. Heres whats going on.

space, 34wx24dx43t all painted flat white, insulated with 1'' foam

lights, 1=68W 65k 4200 lum, 5=42W 2700k 2600lum, going to increase to 8 42W

strain: Unknown purple bagseed

temp control, 1=6'' fan pulling conditioned air from house, all insulated. Z-wave T-stat that communicates with security system, monitor temps without crawling up there. 2=pc mini fans on plant, one exauhsting through 4'' pipe at top.

soil is miracle gro potting mix (all I had)

water is RO from sink

No nutes, no humidity contro.....yet?

I have put a lot of work into this setup and i want it to work well and I think its on its way but but I have questions about nutes soil and humidity that I still need to know, and does UV help?
I welcome all input, suggestions or criticism. what do you guys think so far? and pics coming soon.


Ok here is the setup _MG_2281.jpg and a tighter view closeup.jpg last but not least _MG_2287.jpg

It has been on 24/7 light for about 2 weeks and last night just turned it over to an 18/6 schedule. yes she (hopefully a she) seems small, and i'm guessing this is due to the extreme temp swings she has endured, the attic is kinda tricky to keep a constant temp but I think I have it worked out. I also didn't think that the cfls would get that hot, but that should work out well when the snow starts flying soon, still need to add a few lights and dial in the temp controls but what do yall think?


ok well I have a photo update_MG_2288.jpg and I also learned about the miracle grow potting soil, should have it transplanted by tomorrow.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
looks as good as it should do mate , my only advice would be , try to chill out n let the weed do its thing , you will end up over loving it and coming up with problems , try to transplant as little as possible i only do one transplant for my grows from party cups to there final home , but i do 12 / 12 from seed . definately no ferts yet , and hold back on the water ,how many times a year does it rain in places like afghan ? let the pot completely dry out and some before watering again and when you water give her a good drink then leave her alone for allmost a week then check , you can tell when she wants water by the weight of the pot .mirical grow is fine as long as you dont over water , the time release ferts are activated by water so as long as you keep the watering to a minimum the ferts will actually help your plant , just dont go feeding her anything for a while at least .
ive used mg loads of times , infact i got two 'phat n fruitys ' in miricle grow right now and they are thriving , but they only gettin water every 9 days .
But yeah they look great atm keep it up .


I leave it alone for two days and look what happens_MG_2603.jpg _MG_2604.jpg

lookin good for the moment, although I did transplant it out of the MG time realease soil after these pics were taken. And yes i'm thinking now I should have listened to you, the sativa, and left it alone. I think it will still do well but there was root damage and i'm willing to bet that will take away any benefits that a less hot soil would have provided? But hell I don't know. On a side note, she now has a friend coming up right by her and again its just bagseed from some damn fine dank. By the way i'm starting to get a little paranoid, what do you people think the chances are of the wrong people finding this? Comments and criticism welcome.


well its update time: The cab temp was fluctuating to much in the attic so I got some r-19 and fixed it, so I believe I am sitting around R30 now and the hottest it gets now is mid to upper 80. I added a 10 UVB cfl to the mix just for kicks and at the same time found some 68w cfl at the depot, these thing are big. So that puts me at 398w (real watts) cfl with 68w being 65k, 26 watts being uvb, and the rest being 27k. I am about to start nutes.

any thoughts on the yellowing?

couple pics.



Well-Known Member
that looks like nitrogen deficiency, hows your pH and the temp in there? pH can lock out nitrogen, and a high temp can evaporate the water faster than they can absorb the nutrients, so next time ya water, theres double the fertilizer, and that could mess with the pH even more

Alter Ego

Active Member
Hey bro, hows your plants doing? Im thinking of doing a very similar grow in my own attic. Can you please tell me what R19/R30 is? Sorry, im still learning but i ask becasue down her in the great state of Texas, my attic easily reaches close to 120 degrees. My main concern is insulation/temp control. Any advice you could give me would be much obliged! Good luck on the grow and hope your babies thrive!


Yes alter I can really help you out, it was tuff getting temps undercontrol, because temps will swing where I am from 50 at night to 110 in the day ( in attic).But things are going better, I really stressed this plant but things are going good now. Pics will be coming tomorrow. I did burn one leaf with a uvb cfl but nothin major. Also I think I stunted its growth but now there just a little bud forming right out the top.


Well I don't think I need a second opinion on this but maybe it will help me accept the truth, _MG_2873.jpg_MG_2874.jpg
Is this a male, or a herm? I thought they were bud sites forming but now I don't think so.

What say you RUI?


Ok so its been a while since I have been on, last thing i knew was my first one had balls, so yanked, although now i am sittin with three little girls picks coming soon, and they look good.


Ok so here we areIMG_4492.1.jpgIMG_4491.1.jpgIMG_4493.jpg

the first is has purple calyxs and is just starting to push trichs, the second is loaded with trichs, and seems like a solid christmas tree, and the third is just going a lot slower. the funny thing is the first two are about two weeks younger than the third.

Any thoughts on what type (ind/sativ), or any other thoughts would be welcome.

let me know what you guys think


And for the 5 people that are actually going to veiw this, here is where i'm at with macros

the purple is the girl in my avi


Well-Known Member
beauty even if she is a dwarf. If i were you i would harvest only top 3/4 when its ready then put it back on 24/7 reveg it and take some clones of that purp. looks like a keeper, would just let it get ft or so b4 flowering so u get more.


beauty even if she is a dwarf. If i were you i would harvest only top 3/4 when its ready then put it back on 24/7 reveg it and take some clones of that purp. looks like a keeper, would just let it get ft or so b4 flowering so u get more.
thanks, I've thought about maybe doing that but was wondering what issues that may cause in the way of going herm, any thoughts?