First time bubble bags ice wax? Pictures inside.


Active Member
So this is the first time I've used bubble bags, I always just used my trim to make butter.
I used all sugar leaves (Tiny trichome covered leaves) maybe 200 grams of fresh and frozen trim (Not much)
I discarded all leaves that didn't have at least half the leaf with visible sugar.

Used 2 buckets, 1 plastic soup spoon, homemade ice, and a extended shower head.

1 5 Gal bucket with the 220 bag

1 5 Gal bucket with 23 & 73 bag (This bucket drains)

Step by step what I did (Incase I did something wrong)

Filled 220 bag with layer of ice then sprayed with cold water
Filled 220 bag with trim then sprayed with cold water
Fill 220 bag with cold water till bucket is half way
Use spoon to agitate for about 15-20 minutes
Remove 220 bag and pour water into 73-23 bag
let 73 bag drain then remove and scoop

Now here is where I had to get creative. The 23 bag refuses to drain fast so I had to mess with it for about 20 minutes, still did not drain all the way.
I got creative and the bucket I was using was a hydro bucket with a hole near the bottom so you can drain it easily, what did I do?
Found a easier way to drain and dry at the same time while probably losing some product but I didn't mind.
I took my vacuum and used the nozzle to suck the air from the little hole on the bottom of the bucket and used a ton of negative pressure to force the air down.
It was pretty damn cool when I realized it was working, it drained extremely quick and the product was perfectly already in a puddle, I just scraped and set it to dry.
Although compared to the 73 bag since that wasn't vacuumed, the 23 batch felt way drier than the 73.
I'm not sure if I did more harm than good but smoked some test and I got ripped.
Enough talking here is some Critical Kush wax? ice hash? w/e first time, I know it looks shitty pictures were taken with a lab microscope.
