First time box grow needs help

Hi Everyone

I need help! I just started the 12/12 cycle and I'm about 3 weeks in.

Today two of my plants are wilting very badly, the lower leaves are yellow and the ones that are still green on top are drooping down.:cry:

The two having trouble are in the same 3 quart pot. I just gave them a little water and put them closer to the light and changed the light cycle to 18/6. I was only doing 12/12 for 3 days.

Do I need to worry? What should I do?:confused:

Please Help save my babies! I'll post pics soon so you guys have a better idea.

Any help is much appreciated! :joint:

luvvin growin

Active Member
Ok.What strain?What nutes/medium are you using?You should separate the two plants definately,but it looks like they may have some under watering issues.Mine only droop when they get dry,which is good for me,b/c it tells me when to feed them.
I'm not sure what strain, it's bagseed. As for nutes I'm using Miracle grow liquid food 12-4-8, I know it's not the best but it's what I got. Soil is Scott's, the PH is balanced fine at a little under 7. I think your right about the underwatering, I let it go three days without water because the soil felt ok and I didn't think it would get too dry during the 12/12.

Also, they went from 24 light to 12/12, would that have stressed it out too much? How do you tell?
Update: After watering and moving the weak plants closer to the light they made a very fast recovery and look stronger than ever! Let this be a lesson, water is important.